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Guidelines for the use of growth hormone for athletes. Part 2

02 Jun 2017

On the recovery and measurement of somatropin

So, you have a bottle of human growth hormone in the form of a lyophilized powder. The amount of this powder should be indicated somewhere on the label of the vial. It will be indicated either in units (IU) or in milligrams (mg). If it is indicated in milligrams, the most commonly used is the conversion: 1 mg = ~ 3IU (or more accurately 1 mg = 2.7IU). We will use 1 mg = 3IU in our manual, as manufacturers usually refer to this standard.

Here's what we need to do with this freeze-dried powder: add bacteriostatic water (BW), sterile water, or even liquid vitamin B12 and prepare for injection.

What we decided to use it should depend on how quickly we use the GR. Bacteriostatic water is based on sterile water with the addition of 0.9% benzyl alcohol, and this alcohol contains something from growing in water, which makes it safe for injections for a long period of time, up to three weeks. If the amount of GH in our vial is enough, for a course of several weeks at the desired daily dose, BW will be a wise choice. For general use in bodybuilding (2-5 IU per day) and the more commonly used bubble size (10 IU), it is actually not so critical which of the above listed ingredients you will use ... the bottle will be used long before the appearance of bacteria or Before anything starts to grow in our restored human growth hormone. This is a personal opinion that goes beyond the considerations listed above.

About restoration

1) Take a swab with alcohol and wipe the stopper from the bottle with a human growth hormone and a bottle of diluent (BW, sterile water, B12).

2) Take a 3CC syringe with 23 or 25 needles ("1" or "1.5") and select the amount of preferred diluent. This amount is not critical, except that you have to make sure that you know which quantity you used. The best way is to choose a quantity that will make it easier to measure the final product.

EXAMPLE Using 1 ml (CC) per 10 IU of human growth hormone would mean that every 10th mark of the U100 of the insulin syringe would be 1 IU GH.

2 ml (CC) added a 10M I bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin - will mean that the 20th mark on the U100 syringe will be 1 IU GH.

3 ml (CC) added a 10M I bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin - will mean that the 30th mark on the U100 syringe will be 1 IU GH.

3.) Take this syringe with a diluent and insert it into a tube of lyophilized powder, and guide it so that the needle touches the side of the vial, and this will prevent the diluent from directly entering the lyophilized powder. Do it slowly and calmly.

4) After all the diluents have been added to the vial of the human growth hormone, gently stir the vial (I do not agitate vigorously to shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder dissolves and you get a clear liquid. Somatotropin is now ready for use. Store reconstituted human growth hormone in the refrigerator. If you used BW for recovery, it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be fit for about 5 days.


Once you have successfully restored your human growth hormone - growth hormone - you should know how to measure the desired amount of injection. You use a U100 insulin syringe, for hGH injection.

Here's a way to determine the amount needed for an injection. Since you know the amount of IU in the vial with the somatotropin, and you also know how much water you diluted it, we simply proceed as follows:

You need to know the following in order to do everything right:

1 ml = 1 CC = 100 IU

Therefore, we take our number of human growth hormone IU on the label of dry lyophilized powder (most often 10 IU for all US users of Jintropin), and divide it by the amount of diluent that we used.


We used 1cc (ml) of water. We have a 10 IU bottle of human growth hormone - somatropin.

From our formula above we know that 1cc = 100 IU, so we need 100 IU of water.

Now divide 100 IU (the amount of our water) into 10 IU (the amount of our human growth hormone).

100 IU / 10 IU = 10

This number 10 perfectly corresponds to the marking on the U100 insulin syringe. In our example, every 10 sign on our syringe will equal 1 IU of somatotropin. Want to inject 2 IU of growth hormone into the syringe? Drive to 20 on the syringe.

Here, it seems, that's all. So, to sum up, just remember:

1.) How much actual human growth hormone - growth hormone - you use (read on the vial of the vial)

2.) How much water (diluent) you use to add to the actual human growth hormone.

3.) Divide the amount of water in units by the amount of GH of growth hormone (in units).

4) This result will be equal to the measurement on the U100 insulin syringe per unit GR - somatropin.

5.) Multiply the number that you got in the fourth step by the number of units you want to enter. This number is tied to the mark on the syringe.

Now that we have a common understanding of what human growth hormone is - somatotropin, how it works, and how to restore it and measure it, let's look at some patterns of using this hormone in the best possible way.

Schemes of use of human growth hormone - somatropin

There are many different approaches to the use of human growth hormone. The right approach in your particular situation will depend on your goals. For many, somatotropin is generally an additive that helps maintain a low percentage of fat and reasonable levels of muscle mass in the body. For others who have reached their genetic growth potential, human growth hormone - somatropin - is an additive that can help in continuing the growth that you are missing because of the genetic factor. Also for someone it is an additive that is used for general health and healing injuries. Let's look at each of these species in relation to a reasonable program of using somatotropin.

For bodybuilders, human growth hormone (and IGF-1, which is the result of its use) is the only substance that can actually begin hyperplasia, which works in the interests of bodybuilding, namely, it creates new muscle cells. While the use of anabolic steroids can lead to hypertrophy (an increase in existing muscle cells), steroids do not allow the creation and maturation of more muscle cells, and human growth hormone-somatotropin-can. GH also increases protein synthesis, which can cause hypertrophy. Human growth hormone also strengthens and treats connective tissues, cartilage and tendons. Such advantages from the use of GR make it attractive for athletes in all sports, and in bodybuilding in particular.

To begin with, it should be noted, for the vast majority of users of human growth hormone - somatropin, the results do not appear quickly and do not have an epochal character. If your goal of using somatropin is a sharp muscle gain for several weeks, gaining 9 kg of muscle mass in a few months, or healing miraculously for several injections ... you will probably be very disappointed. Human growth hormone does some incredible things, but it should be seen as a long-term task. The reasonable duration of the cycle of taking somatotropin will be 20-30 weeks. Although you can always find one or two people who will achieve great success in a short period of time, most of us should consider using it in the long run in order to get decent results.

As mentioned in the introduction of our article on human growth hormone somatropin, one of its main roles is in the process of growth through the influence on the liver, muscle cells, and other tissues, which in turn activates the release of IGF-1. This process is cumulative in nature, and you will have to spend some time using exogenous GR to reach your IGF-1 level in order to create conditions favorable for optimal growth. Although it is true that the human growth hormone begins to supply nutrients to the muscles, and begins mobilizing fat after the first injection, the results will only be visible after a few weeks (up to 12) of its use.

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