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Growth hormone course for solo

09 Oct 2017

The growth hormone rate is a special system for taking a genetically modified version of natural somatotropin, designed to build a powerful muscular body. It enjoys quite a high popularity, both among beginners and in the world of professional sports. In this article we will talk about the anabolic effect of GR and the peculiarities of its course application.

Goals of the Growth Hormone

Growth hormone on weight, which has a powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effect, allows to achieve the following results:

  • Increase muscle volume due to hypertrophy of muscle fibers and hyperplasia of myocytes;
  • Increase in dry muscle mass and simultaneous burning of fatty deposits;
  • Strengthening immunity.

When using growth hormone, there is a minimal amount of side effects and there is no need for post-course therapy.

The scheme of reception of a growth hormone of a solo

Growth hormone solo is a course designed to increase the elasticity of muscles, the formation of an ideal muscle relief, purification and improvement of the metabolic properties of the skin. In this situation, the initial daily dose of the drug is ideally 5ED, divided into 2 receptions (the synthetic STG has a relatively short period of action). Gradually, during the week the amount of GR is increased to 10 units (5 units 2 times a day). I injection is performed after waking up, be sure to eat, with low blood sugar. II - during or immediately after exercise, including aerobic exercise. In days of rest - for 30-40 minutes before lunch. For women, the recommended daily dose of the drug is 4-8 units.

According to the rules, the first course of HGH is carried out with the permission and under the supervision of a sports doctor. The optimal duration of the drug is 3-4 months. With longer use, sensitive receptors are clogged and tolerance (addictive organism) is formed to the GH.

To reduce the burden on the pancreas, experts advise using insulin, and also include thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland. In parallel, for a better set of muscle mass, it is recommended to use special complexes of sports nutrition.

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