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Growth hormone

24 Oct 2016

Growth hormone (GR, somatotropny hormone, STG, HGH, somatotropin, somatropin) — peptide hormone of a forward share of a hypophysis which is applied in sport to formation of a muscular relief. Hormone of growth or somatotropin (from. Latin catfish - a body) has received the name for the fact that he causes the expressed acceleration in young people linear (in length) growth, generally due to growth of long tubular bones of extremities.

Basic concentration (norm) of hormone of growth in blood makes 1-5 ng/ml, during peaks also even 45 ng/ml can increase till 10-20.

Pharmacological properties

  • Anabolic action - causes growth of muscles
  • Anticatabolic action - slows down destruction of muscles
  • Reduces a fatty layer
  • Regulates energy use
  • Accelerates healing of wounds
  • Has effect of rejuvenation
  • Stimulates the repeated growth of internals (atrophied with age)
  • Causes growth of bones and increases growth at young people up to 26 years (before closing of zones of growth), strengthens bones
  • Increases glucose level in blood
  • Strengthens immunity

Medicine causes some effects directly itself, but a considerable part of its effects is mediated by an insulin like factor of growth of IGF-1 (before him called somatomediny C) which is developed under the influence of a somatotropin in a liver and stimulates growth of the majority of internals. Practically all effects of hormone of growth in sport are connected with action of IGF-1.

Age changes of secretion

Secretion lowering with age

Growth hormone secretion steadily is reduced with age. It is minimum at elderly at which both the basic level, and frequency and amplitude of peaks of secretion decreases. The basic level of a somatotropin is maximum in the early childhood, amplitude of peaks of secretion is maximum at teenagers during intensive linear growth and puberty.

Read separate article: Age and hormone of growth

Daily rhythms of secretion

Secretion of a somatotropin, as well as many other hormones, happens periodically and has several peaks within a day (usually the peak of secretion comes every 3-5 hours). The highest peak is watched at night, approximately in an hour after falling asleep.

Growth hormone in bodybuilding

Initially medicines of hormone of growth have begun to be applied with the medical purpose, however practically at the same time this hormone was widely adopted in sport that is connected with his ability to increase muscle bulk and to reduce a fatty layer. The first medicines of hormone of growth represented an extract of a hypophysis of corpses and only in 1981 recombinant medicine of a somatotropin has been made.

In 1989 somatotropin has been forbidden by the Olympic committee. In spite of the fact that use of a somatotropin in the athletic purposes is forbidden, in the last decade of sale of medicine have increased several times. Mainly, hormone of growth is applied in sport, especially in bodybuilding where it is combined with other anabolic medicines. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Surplus of dry muscle bulk and combustion of fat

The main reason of high popularity of hormone of growth in sport - a capability to reduce amount of subcutaneous fat. Besides, in researches it was shown that acceptance of a somatotropin leads to growth of dry muscle bulk, connecting fabrics and increase in amount of muscle cells for the accumulation account of liquid.

One more useful effect of a somatotropin - decrease in frequency of injuries. It is connected with its capability to strengthen bone and connecting (sinews, a cartilage) fabrics. Hormone of growth accelerates healing and recovery of fabrics after injuries.

It is necessary to notice that use of hormone of growth in powerlifting is senseless as in an experiment it was established that it doesn't lead to increase in power indicators. Somatotropin also doesn't increase endurance and performance, and even reduction of the threshold of exhaustion and delay of recovery therefore somatotropin it is useless for athletes of such sports where these indicators are important is on the contrary observed.

"Attention" General conclusion: Hormone of growth can be applied in sport for the purpose of receipt of a relief. Benefits: outstanding performance, low frequency of side effects, medicine doesn't influence function of a penis and a potentiality, doesn't cause androgenic effects and doesn't require PCT, after a monthly rate lump increases slightly (3-4 kg), and in certain cases doesn't change at all - it is connected with severe losses of fat. Shortcomings: the high cost of medicines - about 1 thousand dollars for a rate. Medicines expensive are also actively counterfeited therefore there is a significant risk to come across a counterfeit.

Side effects of growth hormone

  • Tunnel syndrome
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Suppression of function of a thyroid gland
  • Liquid accumulation
  • Increase in arterial pressure

Read the main article: Side effects of hormone of growth

Stimulators of growth hormone of

The main regulators of secretion of hormone of growth — peptide hormones of a hypothalamus (somatotropin and somatropin) which are emitted with cells of a hypothalamus in portal veins of a hypophysis and affect directly somatotropa. However the balance of these hormones and secretion of a somatotropin is influenced by a set of physiological factors. By scientists it is proved that the level of secretion of hormone of growth can be increased by 3-5 times, without application of hormonal means.

"Attention" secretion Stimulators:

Peptides - the most powerful stimulators of hormone of growth, increase concentration at 7-15 times, at the same time the cost of an equivalent course is several times lower:

  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • GRF(1-29)
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • HGH Frag (176-191) - a fragment
  • Clonidine and moksonidin (hypotensive means) - the most powerful inductors of secretion from available pharmacological means. [5] Bamberger CM, Mönig H, Mill G and coauthors experimentally showed in experimental work in public that clonidine (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases the GR level from 0.2 to 5.4 ng/ml), moksonidin (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases level from 0.1 to 4.8 ng/ml. For comparison, the standard dose of GHRH increased level to 14.8 ng/ml. In addition, moksonidin stimulates release of insulin and possesses anticatabolic action that does it by perspective medicine in bodybuilding (especially if therapy is required).
  • Baklofen - one more stimulator with the proved effect. This medicine is GABA analog, but unlike it differs in a good capability to get into a brain. [6] In addition possesses sedative and euphoric action.

And also:

  • Sufficient dream
  • Physical exercises (influence of aerobic trainings almost twice expression, than power trainings)
  • GABA
  • Consumption of a protein
  • Amino acid arginine
  • Amino acid glutamin
  • Hunger - improper option in bodybuilding
  • Creatine - recently it was proved that creatine can increase IGF-1 products

Sports food

Special sports additives can increase products of a somatotropin by 2-4 times:

  • Fountain Of Youth HGH Complete
  • Applied Nutriceuticals HGH Up
  • Universal GH Max
  • Additives with argininy and glyutaminy

Use in bodybuilding

Prime manufacturer of hormone of growth at the moment is China. Medicines of the Chinese origin differ in the average level of quality and that is very important, in low prices. If you want to save, then it is better to order on the Chinese websites. There is no special difference in efficiency as all medicines of hormone of growth have one operating beginning. Purchase products only on the large and checked websites to avoid a fraud.

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