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02 Dec 2016

Goldlayn is a drug for weight loss of the Indian production which promises loss of weight at the expense of a loss of appetite. Sibutramin is pro-medicine and shows the action of in vivo at the expense of metabolites (primary and secondary amines) inhibiting the return capture of monoamines (mainly a serotonin and Noradrenalinum). The contents augmentation in synapses of neurotransmitters increases activity central serotonin 5HT-receptors and adrenoreceptors that promotes augmentation of feeling of saturation and depression of need for a nutrition, and also thermoproduction augmentation. Indirectly activating β3-adrenoreceptors, sibutramin influences brown fatty tissue.


Depression of body weight is followed by concentration augmentation in LPVP blood serum and reduction in the amount of triglycerides, the general cholesterin, LPNP and uric acid.

This medicine is prescribed to the people having a body weight index not less than 30. The index of body weight pays off by division of body height in centimeters on a weight square in kilograms. In exceptional cases with other risk factors of a tablet Goldlayn prescribe the patient with an index of the body weight 27 as rising of body weight for such patients causes the additional risks bound to their diseases. Despite high effect of drug, its effect, on average, it is limited to insignificant decrease of weight, judging by responses growing thin from open sources in the Internet. It is bound to features of group of patients which prescribes this drug. To the people having obesity will very difficult cope with hyperalimentation, also as a rule, at such patients the metabolism is broken and the possibility of exercise stresses is lowered. However when keeping all references (a diet, sport) of complex therapy clinically significant effect is reached. According to some researches when keeping a diet and augmentation in 6 months of 93% investigated lost> 5% of initial body weight. I.e. for example the patient weighing 90 kg for half a year of a diet, sport and the use of sibutramin lost at least 4.5 kg. Please pay attention to Pankramin.

Contraindications and side effects

Tablets for weight loss Goldlayn cause a series of side effects on an organism in general:

  • asthenia (delicacy, increased fatigue)
  • headache
  • abdominal pain (abdominal pain)
  • dorsodynia
  • grippopodobny syndrome
  • allergic reactions

From cardiovascular system:

  • tachycardia
  • vazodilatation
  • migraine
  • rising of the ABP

From GIT organs:

  • constipation
  • appetite rising
  • nausea
  • gastritis
  • vomiting
  • hemorrhoids exacerbation

From a nervous system:

  • sleeplessness
  • giddiness
  • nervousness
  • alarm
  • depression
  • dryness in a mouth
  • emotional lability

From respiratory system:

  • rhinitis
  • pharyngitis
  • sinusitis

As a rule, these symptoms decrease after the first course of administration of drug.

Contraindications for administration of drug are:

  • endocrine diseases,
  • illnesses of nervous and cordial system,
  • alienations,
  • pregnancy and period of lactemia,
  • and also the individual indicators taped by the attending physician.

The long list of side effects and contraindications is an evident indicator of an insecurity of this drug, treatment by which it has to be made only under observation of the doctor.

Feedbacks of nutritionists

Practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

Tablets for weight loss Goldlayn have different feedbacks, but also very bad meet. First of all because of a great lot of unpleasant and even heavy side effects which causes sibutramin of which Goldlayn and Reduksin consists. Let's remind that substance sibutramin is forbidden in all civilized countries (the USA, Europe), in our country enters the list of strong substances for article 234 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illicit trafficking in strong or toxic agents).

Tablets Goldlayn are effective only in complex therapy with a low-calorie diet and intensive physical activities. Feedbacks growing thin about Goldlayn at forums and the websites are quite unfavourable – considerable % of patients didn't achieve result, and here side effects felt very many.

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