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Gold ball

09 Dec 2016

Gold ball for weight loss is the next Chinese wonderful means which will help to find symmetry, according to the promise to the producer, without cares and efforts, practically without rising from a sofa. Means is positioned as safe as it is made only of vegetable raw materials. Despite it, in the USA the product was already "rejected" and prohibited to sale. In our country of the capsule also didn't undergo certification as dietary supplement therefore it is possible to buy them only privately or through Online stores.


Tablets the Gold ball represent a mix from different plants and herbs. In particular natural extracts of green tea and green coffee, a lemon, pectin, pumpkin exotic, a quince, spirulina and Nonie contain here.

Spirulina is the alga growing in lakes. This component can often be met as a part of many products for weight loss. It is considered that extract of this plant not only positively influences weight reduction, but also reduces content in blood of "bad" cholesterol. However efficiency of spirulina raises big doubts – the people accepting it complained that they on the contrary gathered superfluous. You can also like Tiramin.

Nonie – fruits of the plant of the same name growing to Tahiti. The local population is called by its "aushika" that "longevity" means. Suppliers of means in which Nonie is used as one of components, claim that advantage of fruit that it is a source of prokseronin. However the official science knows nothing of this substance.

Feedbacks about additive gold ball

The gold ball is made in two countries: China (original means, red packaging, Yansang, Guangzhou) and Ukraine (generic, violet packaging, OOO "Nutrimed", Kiev). On structure they are identical, and, as expected, action at them shall be analogous too. Nevertheless, from the moment of the beginning of sales of the Ukrainian additive disputes that it is better – red or violet "ball" don't die away. Someone claims that only "this" Chinese medicine works, someone, on the contrary, with foam at a mouth praises the Ukrainian dietary supplement and holds up to shame original means. To resolve these disputes quite difficult, first of all, because means affects different people differently. Besides, there are data as if in the market of dietary supplements for weight loss there were counterfeits which are imitating packaging of this means, but not containing nothing useful. In principle, it is possible, considering popularity of the Gold ball and its not smallest price.

Feedbacks about it the most different: if to look for them on the Internet, they so differ that it causes suspicion. It isn't excluded that enthusiastic responses are a part of advertizing; at the same time, and sharply negative comments can be an anti-publicity move for benefit of some other additive. It is possible also that some people deal with "this" dietary supplement, and some face counterfeits. Among those who truly accepted additive, the attitude towards her very ambiguous too. In most cases the Gold ball allows to achieve small or moderate effect if it is accepted against the background of a diet and exercises. At the same time, it doesn't act on some at all, besides, quite often causes emergence of side effects.

Response of the nutritionist

The practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

The fact that for weight loss the gold ball contains in capsules a harmful component is visible on side effects. I advise usually gold ball to drink a course the whole month on one capsule a day. The expressed effect of weight loss appears only if you limit yourself in food. That is or the gold ball acts on you, and you cease to eat. Or doesn't influence at all, and you continue to enjoy the lethal number of calories.

But side effects in the form of sleeplessness, a headache, terrible irritability and nervousness, dehydration pursue practically all who accept this medicine. He is especially dangerous to the people having diseases of cardiovascular system. At problems in pressure it is necessary to forget about a gold ball. However, it is better to make it even if you have a 100 percent health that not to ruin it.

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