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15 Feb 2017

Strength training for women: how to organize the process

Women weight training and help build the body and lose weight, but the attitude towards them in society is ambiguous. Most likely, this is due to cases where the training with lifting organized properly, because a woman's body is not so natural to Weight Training, as a male.

Why a woman is more difficult to gain muscle mass?

To achieve good results in sports without adequate muscle mass is difficult: the number of myocytes directly affects endurance. And if you want to lose weight, the amount of muscle mass also works for you: the fact that muscle tissue consumes more energy even at rest. During strength training muscles contracting, even more energy efficient, a certain amount of calories is also necessary for their recovery after training and growth. Thus, your daily intake of calories increases, and it becomes easier to lose weight. You can try Semax.

But a set of muscle mass in women is limited to physiological characteristics. In the women dominated muscles muscle fibers of the first type, the so-called red fibers, or slow, are well adapted to long-term moderate stress, but bad increase in volume. Furthermore, under normal hormonal background, women initially much less muscle than in men and more fat percentage.

What will help a woman improve muscle relief:

The basis of the success of weight training for women is perseverance. The rapid decrease in the percentage of body fat for a couple of weeks before the trip to the sea is not possible, and no competent coach you do not promise. Tune in for a long and serious work: the first result you'll see in a month, but the following changes will be noticeably faster.

Training designed to increase the amount of muscles and improve the body's relief will be much more effective if you are serious about what you eat. The daily diet must necessarily be a sufficient amount of protein - at least 2 grams per kilogram of your body weight. Estimate the amount of protein consumed at least approximately - 100 g chicken breast, for example, contains about 25 grams of protein, and a pack-ounce cheese - about '30 If you can not eat so many protein foods, include in the diet sports nutrition, namely protein cocktails, which are, in fact, concentrated protein.

The efficiency of the female body depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The most effective weight training to develop strength and muscle volume in the first half of the cycle; in the second half is better to work on the stamina to spend more time working out and stretching techniques.

You do not need to work with more weight. Slow muscle fibers, predominant in women who muscle can increase in size even when small weight loads.

Unusual physical effort, not well thought out exercise and diet can damage the cardiovascular system. Therefore, strength training in addition to sports nutrition is recommended to take an amino acid preparation Eltacin. It improves the metabolism in the heart muscle and prevents the development of heart disease that often develops when excessive physical exertion.

Strength training can cause panic attacks, and women affected by this phenomenon much more. This helps to eliminate the problem of long-term use Eltacin, which is the drug of choice for the treatment of vascular dystonia and prevent panic attacks.

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