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Gly - From what to take power in winter?

30 Jan 2017

Changes in the metabolism of living organisms with the start of the cold weather does not pass by the modern man. Even if you do not need to survive in the wild winter, seasonal rhythms remain cyclical. Lack of vital energy that is felt from mid-autumn to late winter, manifested by drowsiness, depressed mood, physical weakness. How not to go into hibernation, and save the rhythm of life?

Laws of Biology in the autumn-winter season

Seasonal cycles are mainly due to the amount of solar energy, changes in thermoregulation in the middle latitudes begin in October. The activity of biochemical processes in the body is the lowest in the fall and early winter reduces the activity of the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation. Therefore, in the winter we have less sweat, the skin is more dry, more slowly growing nails and hair, and in the autumn we would like spicy food and rich flavors. Decreased metabolism affects the activity of cellular immunity, so late fall - the season of SARS.

What will increase the metabolism in the cold season

Research that covered the impact of climate change and the seasons on the human body, have shown that physical activity has a significant effect on the metabolism. To improve the biochemical and physiological thermoregulation in the autumn and winter to help regular exercise simple physical labor or sports. You can also like Mildronate.

Foods flavored with hot spices, stimulates the digestive glands, which help to increase metabolism. Products that contain animal fats, animal protein stimulating hormone.

Free breathing technique - a type of relaxation. But with the help of breathing can not only relax, but also to activate the basal metabolic rate. The mechanism is simple: when you consciously breathe, making the exhalation longer than the breaths, the increased activity of glucose utilization, to which, in turn, need more oxygen.

Nice meeting, an interesting film, the occupation favorite thing activate the dopamine system, and gives a lot of vitality. Your good mood starts important biochemical processes that help maintain activity on an overcast day.

To improve the condition of the nervous system during the season of low solar activity helps the amino acid glycine (Gly). Daily intake of glycine drug (Gly) helps relieve drowsiness, improves attention and memory, a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere. Secret effectiveness of such a simple formulation that glycine is the amino acid structure of the nervous system, the need for which increases considerably adaptation and acclimatization period.

Activate metabolism winter natural medicine helps Limontar. It is composed of citric and succinic acids, which are natural metabolites of the body, and then the action exerted completely removed as water and carbon dioxide. Daily intake of Limontar helps maintain skin tone and is beneficial to the overall condition.

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