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Glutamic Acid and Cystine at Premenstrual syndrome

11 Feb 2017

Premenstrual syndrome: when emotions prevail

PMS, premenstrual syndrome - a complex of physical and psychological reactions of women who appear a few days before menstruation. The most noticeable symptoms of PMS - is emotional instability, irritability, headaches, facial swelling, bloating and breast tenderness. Why have these symptoms and whether you can alleviate the condition of women before menstruation?

Where does PMS appear?

There are several theories that explain the development of premenstrual syndrome. The most common - hormonal changes after ovulation, and the change of neurotransmitter metabolism. The influence of female hormones on all the processes in a woman's body has always emphasized. PMS when autonomic dysfunction is more severe symptoms, and also enhances the actual IRR symptoms.

There are four forms of PMS flow:

Neuropsychiatric, with a predominance of symptoms of the emotions and perceptions

Edematous form, with a predominance of edema face, breast tenderness, bowel symptoms

Cephalgic form - with migraine, dizziness, increased irritability, symptoms of the heart

Sympathadrenalic Form - PMS with panic attacks, which are caused by the excitation system simpatoadrenalovoj

Atypical form - when there may be symptoms of allergies, insomnia, hyperthermia, unusual headaches, hypotension or hypertension, etc.

How to help yourself during PMS

The mountains of sweets and savory, emotional chat with friends during PMS are temporary and questionable effect. To improve better to turn to physical therapy and modern drugs.

Physical activity in the second half of the cycle should be sparing, but regular. If you go to the gym, then it is time effective stretching and endurance exercises; lower the intensity of the power load by 30%. In training, do not allow an increase in heart rate above 140-150 beats per minute. Please pay attention to Chelohart.

For those who do not exercise regularly recommended hiking up to 3 km in flat terrain. If you are an experienced runner - continue in his mode, start the run in the morning better in the first half of the cycle.

Replace the bath with warm shower: it helps reduce puffiness, stimulates the nerve endings in the skin and activates the dopamine system, to warn the pressure drops and orthostatic collapse.

Every day, do exercises for the neck: it will improve the blood flow in the brain, reduces muscle tension, reduce swelling of the face.

Try to eat less meat and soups to meat broth, but do not give up sharp spices and seasonings. The substance capsaicin, which creates the acuteness, stimulates the nerve endings in the mouth and helps produce endorphins.

Eat black dark chocolate and do not be afraid to get better. Substances that contain cocoa, and increase the amount of endorphins in the blood, the stress is transferred more easily.

Modern drugs Eltacin and Glycine amino acid help reverse your condition during PMS. Glycine - an amino acid that is produced in the nervous system during stress activates protective inhibition and increases the metabolic processes here. Admission of glycine at PMS improves mood, reduces the likelihood of headaches, normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension and irritability. Eltain with severe PMS is recommended to take regularly throughout the cycle. The preparation consists of three amino acids: glycine, cystine, glutamic acid. Their interaction in the body helps to deal with the violation of the autonomic regulation of natural gentle way. Preventing PMS with vascular dystonia includes receiving Eltacin and glycine in the complex.

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