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Ginger medicinal

09 Dec 2016

Ginger medicinal, amomum ginger, (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Amomum zingiber L.) – perennial grassy plant of family of ginger (Zingiberaceae). The homeland – Southeast Asia. In a wild look it is unknown. It is widely cultivated in the tropical countries. In the food industry and in medicine use fresh and dried rhizomes of ginger. It is possible to buy in a drugstore powder or extract, or in grocery stores ground as spice. Often ginger is used for weight loss, however influence on structure of a body. "Attention" the Wrapping is completely not effective!

Ginger medicinal

The characteristic smell and taste of a plant is connected with the content of three main active ingredients: zingerone, shogaola and gingerols, there are also a lot of essential oils. Also lipids (6-8%), amino acids, vitamins (nicotinic acid, vitamin A), to 50% of starch are found. You can try Testalamin.

Confirmed effects

  • Moderate and weak combustion of fat. It is proved that it is possible to use ginger for weight loss, but only as supportive application. At the same time many women mistakenly believe that washing down chocolate and candies by means of this drink it is possible to achieve positive result. Read: fat loss and a diet for weight loss.
  • The research of 2010 has shown that daily consumption of ginger has allowed to lower muscle pain after the training by 25%.
  • Anti-depressive effect. Preliminary researches have allowed to reveal that some active agents of ginger are capable to contact serotonin receptors and thus to suppress alarm and to improve mood.
  • Antioxidant effect. Plant extract (in in vitro experiment) has shown ability of suppression of oxidation of lipids and removal of radicals.
  • Antineoplastic action.
  • Eliminates nausea
  • Increases mobility of intestines (can cause diarrhea).
  • Sedative effect
  • Antibacterial

Influence on a libido and muscle growth isn't proved.

Ginger for weight loss (recipe)

From fresh:

  • The root of ginger is grated.
  • In capacity 4-5 tablespoons of a grated root are filled.
  • 2 liters of boiled water are filled in, infuses within 1 hour (time is necessary in order that active agents passed into water) or several minutes on weak fire are boiled.
  • For improvement of taste it is possible to add juice of a lemon and a small amount of sugar or sweetener.
  • It is necessary to accept up to 3-5 cups of tea a day (at will it is warmed in the microwave oven).
  • It is also possible to cook salads and to wring out juice.


1 teaspoon of powder is ready in a boiled water circle. Standard daily rate 3-5 cups of tea. For acceleration of extraction boiling on weak fire within several minutes is admissible.

Other information

Ginger possesses very wide range of pharmacological action, it well influences many bodies and systems of a human body, including lungs, the digestive tract (DT), a liver, cardiovascular and urinogenital systems. This plant is a subject of close attention of the leading world research medical centers what tells huge number (more than 1200) of the scientific publications devoted to studying of its pharmacological properties about.

In national recipes and diets it is recommended to apply a root or ginger tea to weight loss, however ready extracts and powders are also available.

Results of 136 experiments in the conditions of in vitro and in vivo confirming its anticarcinogenic and cytostatic action on models of various types of tumors, including tumors of lungs, by ZhKT, a liver, a mammary gland, etc. are published in scientific magazines.

Well influences a mucous membrane of intestines and a stomach, reduces the level of phospholipids, fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides in blood. Thanks to the calming action on a stomach it weakens nausea and vomiting.

Extracts of ginger possess powerful in vitro action on trombocsan a sintetaza (thromboxane synthetase) and therefore are usually offered as complementary means in therapy.

Ginger - effective heart tonic, increases force of reducing a myocardium, has hypotensive effect. It also possesses strong anti-inflammatory, gastro protection toning, the carminative, anesthetizing action, improves a metabolism, stimulates immunological reactivity of an organism. Increases secretion of saliva and gastric juice, possesses bile-expelling action, raises a vermicular movement of a small intestine.

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