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01 Dec 2016

Pharmacological effect: The mechanism of action of Gerovital (complex polyvitaminic drug with plant extracts and trace substances) is caused by the ingredients included in its structure. Vitamins - compound components of important enzymes which regulate protein, lipide and carbohydrate metabolism of substances. Also take participation in exchange of minerals. The disadvantage of vitamins B a diet causes disturbance of a metabolism of cells, depression of trophicity of tissues, deterioration in neogenesis and body height of cells and depression of immunologic protection of an organism.

Gerovital with plant extracts and minerals leads reception of a polyvitaminic complex to stabilization of a cellular metabolism, improvement of a trophicity of tissues, normalization of transformation of energy in cells, to ensuring correct work of immune system and the correct functioning of all organs and systems. Gerovital's list included iron – the trace substance necessary for an erythrogenesis. Iron is a part of a hemoglobin and some important fabric enzymes. Plant extracts have biological activity concerning functions of nervous and cardiovascular systems. Extract of a hawthorn stabilizes cordial functions, reduces the increased arterial pressure, increases fastness of a cardiac muscle to hypoxemic conditions. Extract of a motherwort possesses soft sedation, reduces sensation of fear and concerns, reduces irritability and excitability. As Gerovital contains several active components, pharmacokinetic parameters weren't studied.

Indications to use: It is used for patients of adult age (mainly – elderly people with cardiovascular diseases): • Prophylaxis and treatment of avitaminoses; • serious or long nervous and physical overstrain; • a convalescence after operative measures and a serious illness; • prophylaxis of iron deficiency anemias and hypovitaminoses.

Route of administration: Gerovital to accept in time or before meal. A usual dosage – on 5 ml 2 times a day (1 tablespoon contains 5 ml of drug, or 14,96 g). The minimum term of therapy – 1 month. The course of treatment is established in each case by the attending physician.

Side effects: Are usually bound to reactions of a hypersensitivity to any component of Gerovital.

Contraindications: • Various disturbances of an absorption of iron; • allergic reactions to any of Gerovital's components; • hyper siderosis; • hypervitaminosis.

Pregnancy: It isn't intended for reception by pregnant women and the feeding women. Toxicological researches on pregnant women and feeding weren't conducted.

Interaction with other medicines: Against the background of Gerovital's reception efficiency of Levodopum decreases (due to including in structure of polyvitaminic complex of B6 vitamin). Vitamin A reduces a therapeutic effectiveness of betamethasone. Depression of effect of B6 vitamin can be observed at parallel reception by the patient of such drugs as Penicillaminum, Cycloserinum. Ascorbic acid exponentiates effects of Salicylas. Ascorbic acid reduces expression of effect of anticoagulants, the tritsiklicheskikh of antidepressants, izoprenalina, Fluphenazin and nitrofurantoin. The absorption of folic acid from Gerovital decreases at a combination with Trimethoprimum, Sulfasalazinum, Triamterenum, Methotrexatum, Pyrimethaminum and agents for treatment of an epilepsy. You can also like Hepatamin.

The agents which are used for treatment of an epilepsy strengthen metabolic transformations and elimination with bile of kolekaltsiferol. Absorption of cyancobalamine decreases at parallel reception of biguanides. The combination of Colestyraminum and purgative drugs on the basis of mineral oils causes decrease of comprehensibility of vitamins D, A and E. Efficiency of a pyridoxine also decreases against the background of reception of Isoniazidum. Due to intensifying of elimination of Zincum depression of its contents in a blood in case of a combination to Phenytoinum, diuretics, Disulfiramum, Penicillaminum, glucocorticosteroids, Cimetidinum, Tetracyclinum, Captoprilum, Ethambutolum, valproic acid, Isoniazidum and Mercaptopurinum can be observed. The estrogens which are contained in hormonal contraceptives can enlarge contents in a blood of ascorbic acid and vitamin A and to reduce – the maintenance of folates. Vinblastine, Cisplatinum, ftoruratsit and Bleomycinum worsen comprehensibility of vitamins of group B (1 and 6), and also vitamin A. The absorption of iron decreases at reception of not systemic antacids and Tetracyclinums. Under the influence of Isoniazidum and Penicillaminum the strengthened removal of B1 vitamins from an organism is observed that can reduce efficiency of B1 vitamin in Gerovitale.

Overdose: At the moment it wasn't reported about cases of excess of a dose of Gerovital. In case of overdose signs of gipervitaminoz are possible. Excess of a dosage of vitamin A can cause head pains, diarrhea, bone pains, belly-ache, gepatosplenomegaliya, an alopetion, subperiostalny hemorrhages, a faint, nausea and vomiting. Niacinamide overdose – breath difficulty, skin rash, heartbeat increase, and a sudden massive potovydeleniye. Treatment – symptomatic. Excess of a dose of other components of Gerovital is impracticable. In case of possible overdose of iron with need of detoxication.

Release form: Solution for internal application in bottles 200; 500 ml. Solution transparent, with taste of orange, orange-yellow color. The bottle is packed into a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions: In the place inaccessible for children. Temperature at storage is about 25 degrees Celsius. Not to use after a period of validity. The period of validity at the intact cap of a vial is 3 years. If the vial is opened, then its contents have to be used for designated purpose within 3 months. At storage emergence of an insignificant turbidity of solution or emergence of a deposit is possible. It doesn't influence a therapeutic effectiveness of Gerovital in any way.

Structure: Active agents: extract of fetuses of a prickly hawthorn - 80 mg, motherwort grass extract - 50 mg, extract of a grass of a dog neetle – 50 mg, extract of flowers and leaves of a prickly hawthorn - 20 mg, ferrous lactate (divalent) – 25 mg, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 450 mg, vitamin E (a tocopherol acetate) - 60 mg, B12 vitamin (cyancobalamine) - 5 mkg, vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) - 1450 ME, B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) - 9 mg, B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 9 mg, B1 vitamin (Thiaminum hydrochloride) - 6 mg, Nicotinamidum - 75 mg, D3 vitamin (hole-Calciferolum) - 12,5 mkg, a dekspantenola - 40 mg. Excipients: spirituous aqueous solution to 100 g (70%), citric acid, fragrance orange, a kremofor, propylene glycol, stain E160e, butylhydroxyanisole, potassium sorbate, Glycerinum, sodium Saccharinum, an Aether of paragidroksibengzoynomatilovy acid, the purified water.

In addition: In pediatrics it isn't used. Gerovital together with ferriferous medicines, minerals and vitamins isn't recommended to accept. The end product contains ethyl alcohol (15%). Contains in 1 tablespoon of Gerovital 2,25 g of alcohol. With care to apply to the patients having epilepsy, alcoholism, diseases of a brain or liver.

Attention! The description of the medicine "Gerovital" on this page is the simplified and added version of the official application instruction. Before acquisition or use of medicine you shall consult with the doctor and study the summary approved by producer. Information on medicine is provided only with the fact-finding purpose and shan't be used as a management to self-treatment. Only the doctor can make the decision on purpose of medicine, and also determine doses and methods of its application.

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