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Gender features of Insomnia

05 Dec 2016

Somnology Dr. Doping insomnia differences between men and women, social risks and manifestations of insomnia carotid disorders in neuroses.

In modern medicine, a lot of attention is paid to the role of the gender perspective, its impact on the development or for a variety of diseases. Now the role of gender factor is considered from a gender perspective, when the angle of the head is put not only the biological sex of the person, but also his behavior, corresponding or not corresponding to this floor. There is androgynous, feminine and masculine behaviors, women can behave like men, men can copy the style of behavior of women. Such a characteristic manifestation of any gender qualities is called gender or features.

These gender characteristics also play a role in the occurrence of certain sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleeplessness. What is insomnia? This is a sleep disorder in which a difficult to fall asleep, entering into sleep or maintaining sleep, or there is dissatisfaction with their sleep. The man seems to be good and sleep and sleep enough time, but I still did not sleep in the morning, during the day he feels the consequences of poor sleep: difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, difficulty interacting with other people, complaints of headache, decreased performance. There are many complaints from people sleepy. Insomnia can be no complaints about the day well-being. If the patient says that he did not sleep at night, but during the day feels great, then he does not have insomnia.

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Women are more likely to suffer from insomnia: to the doctor 2-3 times more comes of women than men. Why is this so? Previously it was thought that the cause is not a gender and sex differences. Women have the hormones estrogen and progesterone, because these women are less likely to have sleep and sleep disorders. We conducted several major surveys, to determine whether women really are sleeping less than men. It has been shown in the results of these surveys, it is not so: sleep time in women and men about the same. Nature has put the human mind to sleep 7-8 hours. There are people who say that they sleep 3 hours and there are those who sleep 10 hours. Check this is not possible, but most likely, the rate of population - 7-8 hours.

Sleep study conducted in healthy men and healthy women. It turned out that women, regardless of age group, has always slept more deeply than men. So, the differences still have male and female individuals. The researchers went further and decided to see who was still complaining of sleep. They came to the conclusion that women complain of sleep more than men, but to explain the problems could not we add a biological factor concerning hormonal support. On the one hand, women sleep better than men: young and middle-aged and elderly - the amount of deep sleep is always more. On the other hand, women tend to complain of sleep. As a result, attracted to explain the phenomenon of gender-sensitive, as feminine behavior is dominated by the tendency to extraversion, desire to make up for discussion their own problems, so women are easier to give voice to their concerns, their real problems, so they complain more than men, so the diagnosis is often put "insomnia". Men can, and sleep poorly, but sit quietly, do their job, so nobody knows what they have insomnia

Sleep problems affect male and female body. Is insomnia for women is harmful? Now small enough accumulated information that lack of sleep is harmful. At the household level, we know that if you do not sleep, any disease will occur. To prove such in scientific research, it is necessary to do a lot of work.

What is currently known? It is known that bedtime limit (less than 6 hours) is accompanied by the risk of developing hypertension in both men and women. Reducing sleep time increases the risk of developing diabetes. The 4-fold increased risk of colds. With respect to male and female organisms exposure to these and other diseases, depending on the lack of sleep did not come to a consensus. It is believed that women have more character arises tumor diseases - this has been proven on the example of nurses who work in shifts. As they often go to work at night, they have reduced sleep time. When paramedics surveys compulsorily examined and it was found that they had 1.4 times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who do not work in shifts. This is the only difference in the effect of lack of sleep, which is now proved. In men, there is no such evidence that shift work is somehow adversely harm. Maybe because there was no reason to examine the male population.

The insomnia is dangerous? On the one hand, there are risks that are associated with a reduction of sleep. Most often discussed the so-called social risks of insomnia, and social life - not health - insomnia risks explain the danger. A person who does not get enough sleep, reduced productivity. There is the phenomenon of absenteeism, when a person with the flu, did not come to work and did not give any product. But there is the phenomenon of presenteeism, when people do not get enough sleep, came to work - and would be better if he did not come: he is more corrupt than done. In Canada, conducted a study which showed that the phenomenon of presenteeism losses exceed the losses from absenteeism, it is better for people to stay at home if they do not get enough sleep.

More serious risks include those associated with dangerous professions: it is air traffic controllers, truck drivers, pilots – they, who do not get enough sleep, can lead to serious consequences. This topic has been discussed in connection with traffic accidents. It has been shown that a driver who had not slept all night and running the next day, by the end of the next day starts to behave like a drunk behind the wheel. It slows down the rate of reaction, and in fact, it is equivalent to drunk driving on the likelihood of a car accident.

What are the dangers of sleep lack for both women and men? Increased risk of mental illness is not due to the fact that insomnia leads to mental illness. Insomnia is here a sign of weakness of the nervous system, the psyche, which are exposed to stress, and insomnia may be the first sign that a person will develop a neurosis or depression.

The risk of developing addictions, such as alcohol addiction (Meldonium, Mexidol). Consumption of sleeping pills also increases because the person resorts to easy ways to solve the problems of their sleep without worrying about the consequences, and can get hooked on drugs.

What forms of insomnia are common in real life? There is a form of insomnia, which occurs in one in five people. According to statistics, 20% of people over the years have this shape - sharp (or stress) insomnia. This is a situation when there was stress - and the person lost sleep. He's with someone quarreled, he left the conflict, in the evening he goes to bed, falls, and in the mind start to wander thought: why I did it, it was necessary in another way, what to do, how to get out of this situation. The internal voltage is maintained, it can not relax and go to sleep. Acute insomnia occurs most frequently in real life.

Doctors with acute insomnia often do not face, because this form of sleep disturbance is permitted herself, after stops the action of stress factor. The conflict ended, the man calmed down - his dream was adjusted. Or is that some sort of sleep disorder persists, a person goes to the drugstore, asks for something to sleep, and he is given some grass. He drank a calming tea before bedtime, the problem was solved gradually - either in itself, or tea helped, and the desire to see a doctor he was gone. In the general population is the most common form of insomnia, and the doctors with her little face.

Businesses are faced with insomnia on a background of mental illness. Who does not directly say, that the patient has a mental disorder called "depression," and said that he had a nervous breakdown. But here you need to talk about a neurotic disorder, a neurosis. What is the difference neurosis from psychosis? Psychosis - when to change the thinking, man can not control himself. Neurotic disorders - it is a violation if very simplified ratio of inhibition and excitation in the nervous system, when the excitement, such as generalized anxiety disorder dominates. Man on edge all the time, it shakes all the time he feels internal stress, inadequate reaction to his surroundings, but he accepts criticism and may explain why it is bad, can function as a social unit.

Often plagued with nervousness and sleep, because sleep is necessary for the normal inner peace, it is necessary to the body's systems to ensure that sleep overcame activating the body's systems that provide wake. If a person is experiencing internal stress, if he hyper-activated, internal system, the probability of a good sleep had significantly reduced. So often doctors treat people with sleep disorders at various neuroses. When frustration is understandable that the human problem is not so much in a dream, but in general, not even upset the nervous system and psyche. The man says that he has lowered mood, he often cries with or without cause, he does things that he in another state would never do. This forms the so-called secondary insomnia, they are found most frequently in clinical practice.

There are interesting primary forms of insomnia, when insomnia occurs without any mental disorder. The most common of these forms - a psychophysiological insomnia (in English literature it is called "memorized insomnia"). A man drives himself to insomnia because it is not afraid to fall asleep. In the evening, he goes to bed and think: "I did not sleep well last night, now need to quickly go to sleep, to sleep." And he begins to make yourself fall asleep. The more he makes himself, the more his brain is activated, the less there is a possibility for him to fall asleep, because it prevents the activation of sleep. It turns out the phenomenon: the stronger the winds themselves, the stronger the forces herself to go to sleep, the less probability of occurrence in a dream arises. Fast enough man teaches himself to sleep, because he feels more or less normally, when he thinks that will not fall asleep. In the evening he is to go to bed, and begins to run out of this vicious circle. This form of insomnia is dangerous because such people resort to sleeping pills. While they drink a sleeping pill, they sleep well, cease to drink - then it all comes back, because the problem is psychological, it is necessary to help such a person relax, to change the attitude to his sleep.

There are other forms of primary insomnia: sleep disturbance hygiene pseudo insomnia,, is a special form of insomnia in infants, but in real life, these forms are rare. The main cause of insomnia are neurotic disorders - either anxiety or depressive disorders. As a result of hyperexcitability of the nervous system, these people also disrupted sleep, so when doctors are dealing with these disorders are treated at the same time and the nervous system, and sleep.

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