01 Dec 2016
Ganoderma (Latin Ganoderma) a sort of the mushrooms tinder funguses from Ganodermataceae family growing on trees. Ganoderma became popular as a new marketing divorce of 2015.
The mushroom was used in the Chinese medicine, being along with a ginseng, one of the most popular means from "all diseases", however in one research its medicinal properties and influence on weight "Attention" weren't proved
Today the ganoderma is issued and sell many pharmaceutical companies in the form of dietary supplement. Ganoderma is issued in different dosage forms (teas, capsules, powders) and is applied to the most various purposes.
Each additive containing a ganoderma in the structure has a set of unreasonable indications. Any of these additives isn't registered as medical supply. The doses allowing to achieve positive result are unknown. You can try Kartalaks.
Applying a ganoderma to strengthening of health, you can rely only at own risk as now properties of this mushroom aren't studied. Perhaps, it is really useful to health, but it shouldn't be considered all diseases medicine.
Ganoderma for weight loss
According to statements of distributors of a ganoderm has the following effects:
- appetite oppresses;
- splits cellular fat (according to sellers of additive, this special kind of subcutaneous fat can't be destroyed by means of physical exercises);
- loads with energy; (perhaps you will be interested in one more divorce - an energy bracelet)
- treats all diseases;
- improves a skin condition;
- returns youth.
Descriptions can vary depending on the imagination of distributors. According to sellers of a product, such effect is provided: cellulose; proteins; calcium; magnesium; potassium; iron. To put it mildly, similar statements of producers raise great doubts.
Proteins contain in eggs and meat much, but people who would lose 20 kg in a month, using these products, you will hardly manage to find.
Cellulose is a component of one and all vegetable products. Unfortunately, from buckwheat cereal or vegetable salad too so quickly don't grow thin.
Minerals can be purchased in tablets in any drugstore. We didn't happen to meet people who would lose 20 kg a month by means of vitamin and mineral complexes yet.
The price of ganoderma
- The price of ganoderma differs, depending on the producer, a dosage form, and also indications to purpose of additive. The more promises the seller makes, the he wishes to earn more money on implementation of these mushrooms.
- Extract of a mushroom of the Reishi. One of the most expensive additives. The crushed ganoderma is packed into a sachet on 2 grams. In total them in a box of 15 pieces. There is an additive 1600 rubles. It is enough for only 4-15 days as it is necessary to accept a ganoderma in days on 1-4 bags.
- Ganoderma by weight. One of the most available improvement options at the price by means of this mushroom. Ganoderma is packed into transparent plastic bags on 25 g. The price 200 rubles. Further in house conditions do tea or spirit tincture of it. Unfortunately, in drugstores the ganoderma can extremely seldom be found in such type.
- Lingzhi's capsules. The main active ingredient ganoderma extract. The product is intended for weight loss. The price 1200 rubles for 90 capsules. It is necessary to accept 2 capsules a day, in the morning and during the lunchtime therefore there will last packaging for one and a half months. The structure contains not only a ganoderma, but also goji berries, Senna and a kokosovidny portion.
- Reishi plus. Capsules from the Green World company are intended for prevention of cancer. They contain extracts of a ganoderma and a ginseng. The price 1800 rubles. In packaging of only 60 capsules which will last for 20 days. The producer recommends to accept additive on 3 capsules a day (two times on 1-2 capsules).
- Lingzhi plus coorditcseps. Unique means for cancer therapy, diabetes, heart troubles, a liver, lungs, prevention of an old age. The price 80 dollars for 120 capsules. A daily dose 4-6 capsules. Therefore, there will last packaging for 20-30 days.
- Fungo-Shi's reishi. The price 750 rubles. It is necessary to accept capsules on 6 pieces a day. In packaging of their 60 pieces. And, they contain only 75 mg of extract of a ganoderma that it is much less, than in similar additives. Fungo-Shi's reishi allegedly treats epilepsy, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and any diseases of lungs. A course of treatment month. It is easy to consider that the price of a rate will constitute 2250 rubles. * Linchzhi Phoenix. This means with ganodermy is recommended to be used for improvement of memory, intelligence, attention and other brain functions. Quite often the product is called "brain capsules of Linchzhi Phoenix". The price 20 euros, packaging will last for a month. Additive allegedly treats Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson, atherosclerosis of brain vessels and mental diseases.
- Candles of the Reishi. It is necessary to pay 1410 rubles for 10 pieces. It is necessary to push them you know where, on 1 in day. Means is intended for treatment of neurologic and allergic diseases, and also can be used during rehabilitation after the postponed infections.
- The Lingzhi's Mushroom capsules of production Health Food 200 pieces on 500 mg. The price 800 rubles.
- Ganoderma's (Harbin Yeekong Herb Inc) extract 10 bottles on 10 ml. The price 1250 rubles. Each bottle contains 200 mg of a ganoderma and 200 mg of a ginseng. It is necessary to drink for prevention on 1 bottle a day in 2 acceptances. For treatment of any diseases on 2-4 bottles a day. For treatment of serious illnesses on 4-6 bottles a day in two steps.
- Ganoderma is on sale on many websites in the natural form. This mushroom costs very much. On average for 100 g of a ganoderma ask 2000 rubles. Possibly, all the mushroom from the Horst company costs cheaper. The ganoderma price from this producer constitutes only 800 rubles for 100 g.
Any of medicines of ganoderma isn't registered as medical supply. The mushroom has no the proved efficiency. It is unlikely it is more useful than those all-strengthening grass tinctures that you can purchase in any drugstore. The price of "an immortality mushroom" very much bites, but you for certain don't gain all those therapeutic effects that to you is promised by sellers.
Small-scale and extremely doubtful research was conducted at the Italian university Pavia. As participants of an experiment 7 cyclists of fans aged from 30 up to 40 years acted. The research took place everyone in two stages lasting 3 months.
At the beginning athletes accepted placebo, and then additives in the form of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum. At the end of each stage cyclists participated in a race 85 kilometers long. Cordyceps sinensis was accepted on three capsules daily, each capsule contained 445 mg of active ingredient, and also one third of polysaccharides and a small amount of adenosine. Also the adenosine analog was added to capsules. In 3 days prior to a race the dosage raised to 6 capsules daily.
The previous researches with participation of cyclists showed that Cordyceps sinensis acceptance doesn't influence consumption of oxygen or endurance of regular athletes in any way. However, this additive was effective for increase in endurance of men 50 years are more senior. Along with Cordyceps sinensis rate athletes accepted 2 capsules of Ganoderma lucidum extract. Each capsule contained 390 mg of active ingredient. Also added one third of polysaccharides and a small amount of triterpen to the capsule.
During the research it became clear that participants of an experiment differ in the level of physical training. Two athletes were more hardy, than other five. During a placebo rate the analysis of saliva before and after a race of more hardy athletes didn't reveal changes in testosterone level, and cortisol level after the race at them went down that became the certificate of good physical shape. Acceptance of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum dietary supplements led to increase in level of testosterone at the trained athletes.
Other five showed lowering of the level of testosterone and increase in level of cortisol after the race during a placebo rate that became the certificate of their proximity to an overtraining condition. The rate of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum increased at them testosterone level to a race in the values exceeding a statistical error and also acted as cortisol level inhibitor after the race, that is didn't allow it to raise.
Results of an experiment show that acceptance of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum can be justified for increase in endurance in cyclic sports. However, the Italian scientists emphasize that deeper conclusions can be drawn only after a large-scale research with participation of athletes from different types of sport. Also scientists emphasized particular interest in a possible research of influence Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum on inflammatory processes in fabrics as all mushrooms in general are known for the positive effect on immunity of the person.