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Functions and properties of growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

The importance of growth hormone for the human body is difficult to overestimate. This biologically active catalyst, produced by adenohypophysis, is a key polypeptide designed to be responsible for a wide variety of vital functions.

Biochemical properties of the Growth Hormone

Somatropin, containing 191 amino acids in its composition, has many different properties. It is synthesized in the acidophilic cells of the pituitary gland every 20-30 minutes. Almost all structural units of the human body are sensitive to GH, but the "special" targets are muscular, cartilaginous, bone, fatty tissue, and liver, which have an increased affinity for this bioregulator.

  • The main biochemical properties of the Growth Hormone:
  • Increase of amino acid transport and acceleration of protein synthesis on ribosomes;
  • Increased fat metabolism;
  • Acceleration of peripheral circulation;
  • Activation of energy processes, increase of respiratory activity of tissues;
  • Intensification of mineral metabolism and vitamin D production.

The fundamental functions of the Growth Hormone: stimulation of cell size increase and proliferation (augmentation of their number due to mitotic division) with the subsequent differentiation of tissues ensuring continuous updating of the structures of the human body.

The value of GH in medicine and sport

The importance of a hormone that has a powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effect is so obvious that it can not be denied. However, after 20 years of human life, its production begins to gradually decline, which, in turn, becomes the primary cause of the development of aging processes. That's why GR is rightfully considered the key to longevity.

At the moment, the most popular and popular substitute for Somatropin is the recombinant preparation, obtained from genetically modified bacterial cells. The positive effect of the Growth Hormone obtained by artificial means is no different from the effect of natural STH. With the course application, it helps to increase muscle mass and physical strength, eliminates surplus subcutaneous fat deposits and some consequences of skin aging, renews regeneration of organs atrophied with age, increases the density of cartilage and bone tissue, stimulates the production of bone marrow cells, improves the cholesterol profile, normalizes blood circulation and Cerebral cognitive activity, helps to strengthen immunity.

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