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From what helps heparin ointment? Application and Instructions

30 Oct 2016

If your medicine cabinet has a heparin ointment on what helps and when it is better to abandon the use of this tool, you already know. Action majority ointments aimed at reducing the swelling of tissues, eliminating inflammation, accelerating the healing process of damaged skin. However, there are more specialized gels and ointments, such as heparin, which may be used to treat a wide range of diseases.

From what bruises appear?

Most often we are confronted with the most common injury - a bruise. As there are bruises?

  • Man hits the surface or receives a blow to the body portion.
  • As a result of physical impact is a violation of tissue structures.
  • Damaged small peripheral vessels.
  • The blood of these flows in the underlying tissues, staining the skin in blue, purple or crimson.
  • If too much blood and it forms a cavity, such a breach is called hematoma.

Soreness usually goes on the first day, but blue can disappear a few weeks. Aesthetically it does not add, and we already know that in place of a bruise is actually accumulated blood.

It should be this struggle somehow speed up the process. To the blood more quickly resolved and no longer spoil the appearance.

Heparin ointment of wrinkles and bruises

As you might guess, heparin ointment can be used to combat bruises and hematomas (bruises). The main advantage is that you are not just trying to conceal a bruise, namely fight with him.

The mechanism of action of heparin is rather complicated:

  • It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, it removes puffiness and reduces soreness.
  • It prevents platelet aggregation. The increased blood viscosity. This effect will approach you if you do not want the appearance of new blood clots.
  • Absorbable existing clots. They are guaranteed to be in the focus of any damage, if a person has no serious problems with the coagulation system.
  • In addition, included in the ointment components provide an analgesic effect, which is useful for any mechanical trauma.

Partially due to pain relief and anti-inflammatory ointment. Because components of inflammation are:

  • Edema.
  • Redness.
  • Pain.
  • Impaired function.

And if there is no inflammation, thus no parts. This does not mean that the guarantee will not be any pain or swelling, it is not only the inflammatory process may cause these complications.

Why there is hemorrhoids?

Since the second problem people face less frequently than with hematomas. On this occasion, it should only be glad, because we are talking about hemorrhoids. Most often, the disease is associated with loss of bowel, but in fact it is not.

At the core lies the emergence of hemorrhoids:

  • The expansion and increase in the level of filling veins of the rectum.
  • Violation of the processes of coagulation and blood circulation in these vessels.
  • The formation of blood clots in the veins.
  • The development of the inflammatory process, rolling on the mucosa.
  • Education hemorrhagic nodes.
  • Their loss in the development of complications. Most often, constipation.

All the delicacy of the situation, you can not explain. The greatest suffering to the patient delivers defecation act that a healthy person has to exercise daily. A visit to the restroom may be delayed by half an hour and it will not be the most pleasant 30 minutes of your life.

The stagnation of feces can lead to peritonitis, in extreme cases, as the most serious complications. The patient tries by any opportunities to facilitate their position, because even just sitting on a chair can deliver pain.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids treatment

It heparin ointment is used to fight against this disease is not the most pleasant. It is difficult not to notice that in the mechanism of the disease is the formation of blood clots in the veins of the rectum and inflammation develops in the same department. And as mentioned earlier in this article, namely heparin promotes the resorption of blood clots and inflammation removal.

Of course, in advanced cases, doctors resort to surgery only, but once again to carry out the operation no one wants. The patient's age may also play a role in selecting the type of therapy. But no significant heparin are no restrictions, except that unlucky people with allergies and those with blood diseases. Others can apply ointment, putting it on the damaged areas.

For internal use only suitable lubricated swab procedure itself takes only a few minutes. The patient may carry out its own, and this is another plus.

What about the duration of treatment? Usually it is not more than seven days, for the passage of this period, the patient will notice improvements in their health. When hiking in the toilet next ceases to be torture and becomes a routine procedure, patients joy there is no limit.

Heparin ointment during pregnancy

Most therapeutic drugs, you can find a footnote that the pregnancy is not recommended to use them:

  • To check for side effects you need to spend a lot of expensive research.
  • They need to pick up a group of patients for whom the representatives and the presence of side effects will be checked.
  • On moral and ethical reasons, it is practically impossible to collect a sufficient number of pregnant women for such tests.
  • Yes, and in case of complications, all legal responsibility will fall on the organizers.
  • Therefore, manufacturers prefer to write on the package one additional contraindication and especially do not worry. In the end, pregnancy is not the biggest group of buyers of medical products.

But there are also specially designed and tested for their money, and heparin ointment apply to them. By and large, the future mothers suffer from the previously described disorders.

Venous thrombosis:

- The developing fetus creates an additional burden on the heart.

- Impaired blood circulation leads primarily to the pathology of the venous system.

- The formation of blood clots may violate the venous outflow from the authorities.

- Their separation can cause death.


  • A special case of thrombosis and varicose veins.
  • During pregnancy occurs due to the action of a specific hormone - progesterone.
  • Against the backdrop of a weakened organism creates additional inconvenience.
  • Most often it manifests itself in acute form.

Heparin ointment inexpensive and provides the main effect due to only one element. But it is impossible to dispute its usefulness, heparin is contained in our bodies normally and successfully cope with the primary inflammation.

From what helps heparin ointment?

Ointment containing heparin can help:

  • From hematomas and bruising. Due to its effect on platelets, it accelerates the process of resorption of blood clots and blood streamed into the fabric. It helps to get rid of a hickey.
  • From phlebitis and venous thrombosis. The mechanism is the same to him more is added and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Hemorrhoids at any stage. Of course, the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

It should be with caution approach the issue of the use of the drug, because with the blood coagulation system is better not to joke. If you know about the presence of such pathologies you better consult your doctor.

What is heparin ointment of what makes this elegant tool on any surface it is applied? We hope the material to help you get the answers to these and many other questions.

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