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Fluoxetine (Prozac)

20 Jan 2017

Fluoxetine (trade name Prozac) is selective inhibitor of the return capture of serotonin, antidepressant, is applied as anoreksigenny means or a suppressor of appetite.

Fluoxetine available and inexpensive means (the Prozac trademark is many times more expensive) for appetite suppression, with rather rare side effects. Over 22 million purposes of Fluoxetine were carried out to the USA in 2007, doing it to one of the most often appointed medicines. To all other he has the activating influence, doing trainings by more intensive. Due to anti-depressive effect the motivation and aspiration to training increases. Is on sale strictly according to the recipe.

It is in addition possible to note noticeable improvement of mood, decrease in need for a dream, elimination of premenstrual pains at women, increase in duration of sexual intercourse at men (however, there is a large number of feedbacks (about 11%) saying that Prozac causes impotence, causes painful feelings in case of an ejaculation which long don't pass, causes problems with an ejaculation, reduces sexual desire (both at men, and at women), and bright realistic dreams.

Mechanism of action

Fluoxetine works as selective inhibitor of the return capture of serotonin at the expense of what increases mood, reduces intensity, uneasiness and sensation of fear, eliminates dysphoria. Besides serotonin plays an important role in the center of saturation, so in case of increase in its concentration under the influence of fluoxetine the feeling of hunger considerably decreases that gives the chance easier to transfer a low-calorie diet in case of weight loss. The expressed therapeutic effect occurs in 1 week of acceptance.


Hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, the expressed liver failure, suicidal mood, concomitant use of inhibitors of MAO (in the previous 2 weeks), pregnancy, lactemia period.

With care: A diabetes mellitus, an epileptic syndrome of various genesis and an epilepsy (including in the anamnesis), Parkinson's illness, the compensated renal and/or liver failure, cachexia.

Side effects

Using Fluoxetine for weight loss development of the following side effects is possible (though the probability doesn't exceed 5-10%):

From a nervous system Prozac can cause: giddiness, a headache, a sleepiness or sleeplessness, slackness, increased fatigue, an asthenia, a tremor, agitation, uneasiness, suicidal bent (inherent to the patient with depressive disorders), a mania or a hypomania.

From the alimentary system: a loss of appetite, dryness in a mouth or hypersalivation, nausea, diarrhea.

Allergic reactions: dermal eruption, urticaria.

Others: the increased sweating, depression of a libido.

Extremely seldom: systemic disturbances from lungs, kidneys or a liver, vasculites.

Sexual dysfunction at men in rare instances. Easily is eliminated at additional reception of yokhimbin.

In the instruction refer to side effects also weight loss. All undesirable reactions have reversible character. "Attention" Contrary to popular belief, after cancellation depressions or sharp rising of appetite as concentration decreases very slowly within several days don't develop.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, condition of exaltation, cramp.

Treatment: a gastric lavage, purpose of absorbent carbon, at cramps - anxiolytic HP (tranquilizers), symptomatic therapy.

Route of administration and doses

For weight loss Fluoxetine is accepted inside. An initial dose - 20 mg/days of 1 times, in the morning; if necessary weekly the dose is enlarged by 20 mg/days. The maximum daily dose - 60 mg in 2-3 receptions, however at weight loss for effective suppression of appetite is enough 40 mg a day. As a rule the effect is swept up for 2-3 day of a course. Duration of a course of treatment - 4-5 weeks then the dose gradually decreases to full cancellation within 1 week.

Danger to mental health and life

The disputable reputation medicine was earned in connection with loud trials and legal claims in the relation by companies, and also become frequent cases suicide manifestations during treatment and massacre against the background of acceptance of this medicine.

In 2013 Peter Breggin the psychiatrist gave the comment on the website on the occasion of mass execution in headquarters of Naval Forces of SShAin which calls by a major factor of the incident Trazodon's acceptance as sleeping pill. According to doctor Breggin, Trazodon makes similar dangerous impact, as Fluoxetine.

In 2014 the Civil Commission on Human Rights published on the website a new research of the journalist Patricia Kelly O'Meara according to which, cautions about dangers of antidepressants and extended coverage of this question in media led to reduction of demand for antidepressants that matched on time reduction of number of suicides among teenagers.

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