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Features of the development of the human brain

28 Oct 2016

Molecular biologist Dr. Doping tells about the formation of the brain, the formation of synaptic contacts and chimpanzee brain. What are the stages of development of the human brain? How are contacts between neurons? What are the differences in brain development in chimps and humans?

Most of our brain development occurs after birth. Even the brain is formed before birth chimpanzees 1/3, 2/3 - after. In macaques, about half of the brain is formed before birth. Human brain before birth formed by only 25%, and after it grows to very high rate during the first year of life. The first year of the development of the human brain - a period of growth, but that does not mean that the brain is fully formed at this stage. The brain must form contacts between neurons.

Year-old child's brain contains a very small amount of mature synaptic contacts. Unlike the macaques, which for the first year of life, everything is shaped and even free of unnecessary contacts from one year old child, this process is just beginning, and it continues, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, the region responsible for complex interactions, for a long time . We do not know and it is difficult to say when there is a peak, but the process can go 5-7 and maybe even 10 years. If you look at the seven-year child, his brain will be 2-3 times more contacts between neurons than that of an adult. But until it contacts optimized.

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When we looked at the formation of synaptic contacts and the expression of genes that are responsible for formation, we saw that in chimpanzees, this process is very different from that of humans and is much more reminiscent of the dynamics that we see macaques. During the first year of life of the chimpanzees, this process is almost complete and, moreover, modification and optimization of the contacts is also very fast. In five years the chimpanzee brain is formed. It turns out that the human child has a tremendous amount of time compared to the chimpanzee or macaque, during which his brain is not yet formed.

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