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Fat burners for men

21 Aug 2017

The reasons for the excess weight set can be very different, from depression caused by unsatisfactory sports results, to banal overeating and lack of control over the diet. But the most insulting thing is that it is much harder to lose hateful pounds than to type them. However, using fat burners for weight loss for men, you can get rid of excess weight without applying titanic efforts (although this does not mean that you do not have to work on yourself at all).

Within the framework of this article, we will consider effective fat burners for men, namely, their main components, the principle of choice, and also recommend you the products that are optimal from our point of view.

What components can (should) contain a good male fat burner?

L-carnitine. The substance responsible for the transport of fat cells in the mitochondria with subsequent disposal. L-carnitine is, perhaps, the safest fat burner, the use of which under no circumstances will provoke side effects. L-carnitine increases brain activity, protects the cardiovascular system, stimulates anabolic processes, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol.

Caffeine. In one form or another (for example, in the form of green coffee or guarana) is contained in 90% of fat burners. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases concentration and brain activity, increases endurance. And, of course, it helps to reduce fat mass due to the release of adrenaline, which activates the use of fatty acids to meet energy needs.

Guarana. In addition to caffeine, it also contains theobromine and theophylline - CNS stimulants, which increase work capacity and reduce fatigue.

Sinafrin. Strengthens heat production, accelerates metabolism, suppresses appetite and mobilizes fat stores. Sinephrine is found in bitter orange

Criteria for choosing a fat burner for men

Manufacturer. A good fat burner for men is unlikely to be the product of some unknown company. You are tempted at low prices, because, as a rule, the composition of such products does not correspond to the declared, or the actual amount of active substance is lower than indicated on the package. Do not go for a dubious compromise between price and quality.

Reviews about fat burners for men. Sometimes on the forum you can read information that can not be found on the official website of the manufacturer. Of course, a good product can not have too many negative reviews. However, blindly trusting the written is also not worth it.

Proven Product Efficiency. Having received feedback about the "best" fat burner for men, you can try to independently verify the effectiveness of the drug and its individual components. We recommend choosing a compound with a solid evidence base, otherwise you may become a victim of a "placebo". In fact, the effect of many components is artificially overstated for marketing reasons. So, avoid such components - they do not bring practically any benefit, but only increase the value of the goods.

ECA as a powerful and safe fat burner

If you are interested in a really powerful effect, but do not want to risk your own health using steroids, then the best solution for you will be one or several courses of ECA - ephedrine / caffeine / aspirin preparations, often supplemented with other useful components. ECA operates even in the absence of physical exertion: without training, you will lose up to 3 kg!

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