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Fat burners

25 Oct 2016

Fat burners are a type of sports food or special medicines which are created for a reduction of excess fatty deposits. Fat burners promote decrease in body weight, do muscles by more relief, allow to concentrate better on exercises and facilitate trainings.

Main mechanisms of action of fat burners: stimulation of a metabolism in an organism, appetite suppression, decrease in absorption of fats and carbohydrates from a digestive tract, blocking of synthesis of fat in fatty tissue and removal of excess liquid. Mainly, fat burners accelerate splitting of fatty molecules and turn fat into a free energy, increasing its expense. Speed of the main exchange rises by 10% and above.

Fat burners are intended for people who play sports and want to reduce content of fat in an organism. Action of fat burners is implemented during the trainings on condition of observance of a diet. If not to combine consumption of fat burners with trainings and healthy nutrition, then the effect will be much weaker therefore to the people leading a slow-moving life with defects of food to apply them there is no sense.

Now shops of sports food represent a wide choice of fat burners with the most various structures and mechanisms of action. It is necessary to approach the choice of fat burners seriously as certain fat burners are suitable for each person, others can be less effective and are even unhealthy.

Most often fat burners contain the following ingredients:

  • Caffeine
  • L-carnitine
  • Guarana
  • Metilgeksanamin (DMAA) (is forbidden)
  • Pikolinat of chrome Carefully, charlatanism and fraud!
  • Chitosan Carefully, charlatanism and fraud!
  • Extract of green tea
  • Sinefrin
  • Naringin
  • PEA (phenylethylamine) is careful, charlatanism and fraud!
  • Tiramin
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Dopamine
  • Raspberry ketone Carefully, charlatanism and fraud!
  • Green coffee Carefully, charlatanism and fraud!
  • Goji berries Carefully, charlatanism and fraud!

Generally it substances of a natural origin and all of them are allowed for use by the athletes participating in competitions. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Main types of fat burners

Main types of fat burners and other additives which promote weight reduction and, in certain cases, strengthening of a muscular relief are listed in the provided list:

  • Termogeniki - organism energy costs increase, increase physical activity, suppress appetite at the expense of what combustion of fat is started
  • Lipotropiki - increase the speed of exchange processes during which fats are split (90% are inefficient)
  • Blockers of calories or nutrients:
  • Blockers of carbohydrates - interfere with digestion of carbohydrates from a digestive tract
  • Blockers of fats - interfere with absorption of fats from a digestive tract
  • Appetite suppressors (most often it is termogenik, however selective blockers of appetite meet)
  • Cortisol blockers (are necessary for decrease in the main catabolic hormone destroying muscles)
  • Stimulators of a thyroid gland - are most often a little effective
  • Omega-3 fatty acids and CLA
  • Diuretics - don't influence fat content, and weight reduction happens due to temporary removal of liquid
  • Pharmacological medicines for weight loss

All these additives cardinally differ on properties, availability of side effects and the mode of acceptance. Many of them aren't really useful to health, others on the contrary strengthen it and increase life expectancy. Carefully study this list and you will choose for yourself the most suitable option.

Combination of fat burners

For strengthening of effect, fat burners of different types it is possible to combine. Safe and highly effective combinations:

1. Termodzheniki + Blockers of carbohydrates + Blockers of fats + Stimulators of a thyroid gland + cortisol Blockers + L-carnitine

At first sight this combination looks just terrible, however having got into subtleties of interaction it is possible to understand easily that this quite safe combination which guarantees maximum efficiency. Joint acceptance of all these types requires only 2-3 additives which unite in themselves several fat burners. Let's give an example of a complex with the most high-quality and highly effective additives which include all this list:

  • L-carnitine (any firm and form)
  • Thermofuse from Muscle Warfare
  • Cheaters Relief from BSN - probably, is laid off

One more highly effective, perfectly compatible and safe fat-burning complex:

  • L-carnitine (any firm and form)
  • Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition
  • Cheaters Relief from BSN

Safety and compatibility

The majority of modern fat burners unite in themselves: stimulators, stimulators of a thyroid gland, diuretics and other components because these components possess synergy action and are completely compatible. For example, the combination of a L-carnitine and thermogeneric does application of the last by safer as the carnitine protects heart and vessels from an overload, reduces a catabolism of muscular tissue. It is possible without concern to attach blockers of fats and carbohydrates, they aren't acquired at all therefore won't interact with other types in any way. An omega-3 fatty acids, also possess protective action on heart and vessels, and are very effective in case of joint acceptance with thermogenerics, a carnitine and blockers of feedstuffs. Blockers of cortisol don't exert direct impact on metabolism and a pharmakodinamika of other fat burners, and interact only with cortisol therefore too are perfectly combined, besides they slow down destruction of muscles, especially under the influence of thermogenerics.

Conclusion: almost all types of fat burners are well compatible as they have various points of application in an organism. The last fact allows to maximize efficiency of a cycle, to reduce the frequency of side effects and to protect muscles from destruction.

Prevention: don't combine fat burners of one type, it can be unhealthy and won't be justified from efficiency line items. All combinations shall be approved with the specialist.

Additional sports food

During cycles on decrease in weight and forming of a relief it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. With respect thereto the organism receives less many necessary substances therefore after loss of weight muscle bulk sharply decreases, properties of skin worsen, and there can even be a number of diseases. Fortunately all this can be avoided if to exercise in matching of sports food for the period of a cycle judgment.

It is known that in the conditions of hunger the organism begins to destroy actively muscles to receive amino acids for synthesis of important proteins. That it didn't occur, it is necessary to accept sources of amino acids: proteins, BCAA or amino-acid complexes. It is better to use slow proteins, they are gradually soaked up, don't cause insulin peak and therefore won't interfere with combustion of fat in any way, but will provide with food of a muscle and will prevent a catabolism. If you want to reduce considerably diet caloric content, then you will suit BCAA or amino-acid complexes, they contain a small amount of calories and well slow down catabolic reactions, together with it don't reduce efficiency of fat burner, and don't slow down weight loss process.

The tough diet leads to reducing receipt in an organism of important minerals and vitamins, it generates need of obligatory acceptance of vitamin and mineral complexes. Otherwise there can be hypovitaminosis, elasticity of skin will decrease, to arise metabolic violations and so on. Vitamins are necessary even for fat destruction therefore their deficit will reduce efficiency of a training.

If you want to increase relief and a venous portrayal, then can include in an additive complex on the basis of an arginin. It is a precursor of NO which improves food of muscles, strengthens a pamping, improves a relief and expands veins. Besides, use of sports food with creatine is allowed. Creatine increases force and allows to train more intensively, accelerating process of fat burner.


Products and additives are acknowledged fraudulent or ineffective:

  • Reduksin light
  • Diyetressa
  • Apetinol
  • Elkar
  • Karniton
  • Pikolinat of chrome
  • Chitosan
  • Calcium pyruvate
  • Vegetable diuretics
  • Raspberry ketone
  • PEA (phenylethylamine)

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