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Emotions as drugs and pathogenic agents

04 Nov 2016

Physiologist Dr. Doping speaks about the history of the study of emotional stress, the process of adaptation, and the theory of functional systems.

What happens to the body when quarrels? How our health is reflected boredom? Why at a very high motivation it becomes more difficult to achieve the result?

The situation has very deep stress, programmed in the genetic apparatus roots. It was formed when for the survival of the individual should have the most to mobilize their resources: to strengthen the nervous activity, muscles, blood flow, physical resources. This system is sometimes determined the survival or death of some kind.

For a long time it was thought that the behavior is built from the stimulus to the reflex on the principle of need. However, it was clearly demonstrated that the behavior is based on need, which is reflected in the form of a motivation, to its satisfaction. Demand is usually associated with negative emotions, and satisfaction of the needs of end prize - a positive emotion that serves as a reinforcement in the correct behavior of the organism.

To reduce stress and anxiety you can with the help of PhenibutPhenazepam, Afobazol.

Sometimes, when the body meets the need repeatedly, there may be a positive emotion motivation. This is called the "appetite" - when the body is expected to meet in the future, and it can be an enjoyable, positive. According to the theory of functional systems concepts leading cause of emotional stress it is a conflict situation. The conflict - a violation meet the vital needs of the organism.

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