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Eltacin for athletes

24 Jan 2017

Healthy heart and nerves of steel - the key to success in sports.

heart Eltacin

The heart of an athlete:
65-80 beats per minute (heart rate (HR) for a normal person at rest)
140-150 beats per minute (HR simplified tempo workouts)
160-175 beats per minute (HR during intense physical exertion).

The heart volume of an athlete:

760 cm3 - volume of the heart is not engaged in human activities
913 cm3 - volume boxer heart
1065 cm3 - heart volume swimmer
1073 cm3 - heart volume skier.

Excessive exercise can cause lesions and cardiac function in athletes.
Every aspiring and professional athlete has to take care of the maintenance of the heart muscle.

If you are young and you think that health abound, and you're ready to move mountains:
do not forget that the maintenance of the heart muscle necessary because the heart can not stand, and fail. 

The emotional state of athletes
Success in professional sports - it's a combination of time and effort that an athlete puts into training. But to give everything to the maximum of its possibilities - is not always a step ahead.

Overtraining is often the cause of fatigue. The main psychological characteristic fatigue - depression. Prolonged depression leads to a complete athlete burnout and lack of strength to full-fledged sport. You can also like Mildronate.

It is important to constantly monitor the level of training and competitive pressures.
Overtrain and emotionally overwrought athlete can burn that affect the athletic achievements.

By reducing the physical endurance level sporting achievements, the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias, and other unpleasant symptoms of the sports doctors recommend heart Eltacin.

Eltatsin - a drug to maintain mental and emotional state and cardiovascular system of sportsmen.It contains three amino acids: 

L-glutamic acid

It has the following properties:

and antioxidant effect

Eltacin normalizes the redox processes and the use of oxygen in the tissues due to the antioxidant and Antihypoxanth action, helping to improve myocardial contractility, and exercise tolerance.

Eltacin does not contain prohibited substances.

How to apply Eltacin in the sport?
Eltacin can be taken together with ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, aldosterone antagonists, organic nitrates and blockers "slow" calcium channels.

Prevention of chronic physical overstrain 1 tab. Two times a day for 2-3 weeks
Recovery from intense exercise 1 tab. 3 times per day 2 weeks

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