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Eating at Neuroses and Depression, Stress

10 Jan 2017

Neurosis - is a violation of the nervous system caused by prolonged mental strain. Psychoneurosis characterized by various neuro-psychological disorders.

In our time, neurotic disorders are quite common and will occur in people with congenital or develop weakness of the nervous system. The child has the weakness of the nervous system can occur due to the unfavorable period of gestation.

neuroses, Afobazol

Causes of congenital weakness of the nervous system may serve as gestosis, transient or prolonged labor, unhealthy way of life of the mother (the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking or use of a number of drugs during gestation, harmful work). The various children's infectious diseases, concussion, psychological suppression of the child can disrupt the development of the adaptive processes of the nervous system.

Psychological repression, violence in the family make the child aggressive or suffer from complexes. However, excessive care and catering to all whims of a child leads to the formation of a capricious personality, brooks no failure of others. Contact a man with real society, not providing him the usual attention, it can cause severe damage to his psyche.

In different periods of life, many people somehow feel depressed as a result of physical or emotional stress, which often occur in adult life.

We are experiencing emotional stress from the loss of love, loss of friends, disappointments in the relationship with your loved one, from failures at work. At times psycho-emotional stress load is too heavy, and our possession of depression.

This situational form of depression - a consequence of the heavy emotional experiences. However, it is only necessary to cure time, patience and a warm atmosphere in the family, unless the depression has not developed too deep or goes too slow.

Other forms of depression developed on the basis of less abstract reasons. For example, hormonal imbalance, which often occurs in women during menopause, can cause quite severe depression.
Despite the fact that the classical therapy and prescription of medicines are often necessary, the use of certain dietary supplements helps a lot of depression treatment.

Usually depression develops in people with a deficiency of vitamin B9 and pyridoxine, with a shortage of which there is a deficiency in the brain of serotonin - a hormone that plays a key role in the maintenance of normal mood.

The lack of thiamine, riboflavin and cyanocobalamin may also contribute to the development of depression.
Depression is one of the first signs of a lack of ascorbic acid in the body.

Lack of iron at the same time provokes depression and anemia, but anemia passes after the start of the use of iron faster than the symptoms of depression.

The cause of depression is also a deficiency in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as They are the raw material from which the body creates a group of physiologically active substances called prostaglandins, needed to maintain a good mood.

People who regularly consume large amounts of caffeine (more than three cups of strong coffee a day) tend to exhibit more severe symptoms of depression.

Many people experiencing depression, begin to eat sweets as a consolation, but scientific studies have shown that consumption of sugar aggravates depression, lethargy and low mood.

It is necessary to limit the intake of sugar and all foods whose composition includes sugar. The abundance in the diet of foods high in animal fat may also worsen depression.

Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle significantly reduces the time out of depression.

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