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Drugs to support a child's heart

07 Feb 2017

Champion since childhood: how to support the baby's heart-athlete

Success in professional sports are always dependent on the amount of time and effort that an athlete puts into training. At the same time, show the best of their capabilities - this is not always a step forward. Often young athletes say goodbye to the dream of the big sports after injuries or overload the cardiovascular system. After all, the heart of a child differs from the adult human heart, and it must be considered when drawing up training plan.

Affected child's heart

Newborn heartbeat is normal 120-140 beats at rest, and gradually decreases as the physical development of the child's heart rate. In two years in normal heart rate of 110 per minute, at age 6 - 90-95, 10 years - 78-85, and only close to 15 years, this figure is close to that of adults - 70-76 beats per minute. High heart rate due to the rapid metabolism of the child, and the peculiarities of the nervous system. The need for oxygen at the children's heart several times higher, and this makes it particularly vulnerable to additional stress. You can also like Ladasten.

Cardiogram children of different age also has its own characteristics. Heart Size in children in the development process varies disproportionate growth of the whole body. Up to 7 years, the heart is actively growing, increasing from birth to 11 times. From 7 to 12 years, cardiac growth stops, while the body continues to grow. After 11-12 years, again there is a sharp jump in the growth of the heart, which is slowing down to 15 years. Physical activity helps to strengthen the heart muscle, increase endurance, but only when the right approach to training.

Children coach must take into account the characteristics of the cardiovascular system in their wards. This will allow the juniors to achieve success in sports and not lose health.

Important support for the child's heart while you exercise

All those children, even those who are not involved in sports, the myocardium is subjected to a sufficiently high load. Children lively, emotional, more adults prone to infections. Not every heart is able to provide all the children's needs at the appropriate level. Why stalwart of active teens grow frail? Perhaps their physical needs at some point were simply beyond their resources. How to help the young athlete to reach the heights in his favorite sport, and to grow up with a strong and resilient?

With the active work of the heart in need of substances that enhance the activity of metabolic processes in the myocardium. The concentration of these substances is increased by the action of amino acids of glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. The need for these amino acid is always high, and their lack of an appreciable effect on the heart and nervous system. At high physical loads require additional consumption of amino acids in a medicament.

Eltacin - it is a safe modern preparation which contains just three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid. This combination allows you to receive the necessary support of energy for the heart and the right quantity quickly. By reducing the physical endurance level sporting achievements, the appearance of cardiac arrhythmias, and other unpleasant symptoms of the sports doctors recommend Eltacin for heart.

Watch out for the health of your young athlete, and remember that a child who plays sports should undergo a full medical examination every six months.

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