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Drug Peptide Selank against Generalized Anxiety Disorder

30 Mar 2017

Generalized anxiety disorder

Selank promotes the prompt elimination of the imbalance of regulatory systems in the brain that causes the formation of feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fear. In particular, thanks Selank:

Selank reduced levels of anxiety, fear, inner tension;
Selank decreases the level of depression;
Selank optimized operations emotional centers of the brain;
Selank improved behavior;
Selank improves memory thanks to the influence on all stages of the formation of the memory trace (storage, processing / structuring, reproduction of the information;
Selank improves concentration;
Selank increased tolerance to stressful situations, especially when changing the environment community;
Selank stimulated performance, including thin;
Selank improved sleep;
Selank normalizes the autonomic centers.

Selank is the drug of choice for socially active patients who want to preserve their way of life and full operability while minimizing the negative effects experienced by stress and related anxiety and psycho-vegetative disorders.

Treatment of anxiety disorders drug "Selank"

Generalized anxiety disorder Selank

Anxiety disorders are frequent border psychoneurological pathology. Anxiety disorders are often particularly susceptible persons of working age, which leads to disruption of adaptation in daily life, significant economic losses.

Two of the most common anxiety disorders are adaptive disorder with anxious mood, and generalized anxiety disorder.

With adaptive disorder of excessive anxiety or other emotional reactions developed in conjunction with the difficulties of adaptation to a particular stressful situation: patients have the sleep disturbances, appetite changes, non-specific complaints on the part of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, difficulty concentrating, irritability, increased exhaustion and fatigue.

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by frequent or constant fear and anxiety that arise about the real events or circumstances that cause human concerns, but clearly excessive in relation to them (unjustified, exaggerated fears).

Anxiety in generalized anxiety disorders is global and is formed regardless of the particular event. Excessive anxiety is saved permanently and is directed onto the set of life circumstances. Anxiety, tension and fear and may be accompanied by physical ailments, such as "nervous stomach", shortness of breath and heart palpitations. For many people, along with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders are.

In addition to the persistent anxiety of the main symptom, which unites all the anxiety disorders, their symptoms are following:

fearfulness, impatience, restlessness, feeling of constant tension, inability to relax, impaired concentration, decreased mental capacity and memory, sleep disorder.

When anxiety disorders revealed a high prevalence of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, allergic diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic and kidney diseases, respiratory disorders, and migraines.
The presence of high anxiety increases the likelihood of fatal myocardial infarction by 1.9 times, the sudden death of 4.5 times.

Selank Dosage at treatment against Generalized anxiety disorder

Rules of admission "Selank"

The daily dosage of Selank - Reception 14-21 days;

Duration of reception - 3 drops in each nostril 2 times a day;

The amount of the drug on the course - The course of 4 bottles; 3-4 courses per year.


- In the vial contains 60 drops

- Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.

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