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Drug for rising of appetite

19 Dec 2016

PERITOL (cyproheptadine a hydrochloride) is a drug which is used in bodybuilding for appetite rising. Which have for those athletes problems with appetite, can help to replace more dangerous insulin.


Peritol is a specific antagonist of Histaminum (blocks histaminic H1 receptors). Also Peritolum blocks 5-HT2A serotonin receptors and renders weak m - cholinolytic and sedative action. Reduces Somatotropinum hypersecretion at acromegalia and emission of AKTG.

Action mechanism and use

In the USA this drug is most often used for treatment of symptoms of an allergy, such as hay fever, rhinitis, boring of eyes and edemas. It is approved by FDA for treatment of anaphylactic reactions as addition to an injection adrenaline. Please pay attention to Vezugen.

The effect of blocking of receptors of a serotonin gives to this drug unique ability to increase appetite. It led to very wide use it according to not allergic indications, for example for weight augmentation at patients with AIDS, cancer and other illnesses causing attrition. Peritolum is also used as additional drug at treatment of children by body height hormone drugs, for appetite rising. It is easy to find references to properties of Peritolum in literature. One of the most detailed researches compared Peritolum from a megestrol an acetate in group of 14 men to loss of weight because of HIV. Megestrol - Progestinum - the approved FDA in 1993 for treatment of an anorexia and stimulation of appetite at patients with AIDS. In this research Peritolum showed approximately similar effect with megestrol, but without side effects of megestrol. Researchers showed that at more than 50% of the patients using megestrol there came the impotency during treatment while the group with Peritolum had no such problem.


Earlier Peritol it was possible to purchase in drugstores of the large cities under various trademarks, the most known - Peritol (active ingredient of tsiprogeptadin a hydrochloride). Is issued in the form of syrup (40 mg on 100 ml), and also in the form of tablets on 4 mg. Now medicine disappeared from drugstores, at the same time there are no full-fledged analogs on the action mechanism actually.

Doses and acceptance mode

When using as a stimulator of appetite it is possible to accept 4 mg 2 times a day. At this level side effects won't prevail over useful effect of medicine. It isn't recommended to accept it longer than 4-8 weeks as accustoming development is possible. Peritol is better to use at a stage of set of muscle bulk where the increased appetite will be very opportunely.

Side effects

Side effects in case of application in the specified dosages are practically absent.

Cases of drowsiness, disorder of coordination, muscular weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dryness in a mouth, difficulties of urination, dizziness, not clear sight, weight in a breast, congestions of a nose, perspiration can meet. Anyway, it is enough to stop acceptance of medicine for disappearance of side effects.


Hypersensitivity, closed-angle glaucoma, good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate gland, urination delay, piloroduodenalny obstruction, peptic ulcer, predisposition to hypostases, simultaneous application with MAO inhibitors, elderly patients, pregnancy, feeding by a breast, chest age (up to 6 months).

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