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Drug Against alcoholism - Biotredin (L-threonine and vitamin B6)

11 Mar 2017

Can alcohol to relieve stress?

How do you relieve stress? Sport, meeting with a friend, grabbing sweets stress or harmful delicious meal? Probably the first thing you think when experienced nervous shakes, is a bottle of wine or brandy, hoarded in case of emergency. After all, they say that alcohol relieves stress better than other funds.

What happens in the body during stress

Mild stresses are the energy incentives that allow us to accumulate a maximum strength and reach new heights. When stress in the nervous system and blood increases the number of hormones and neurotransmitters that increase both the activity and protect organs from damage. So we better focus and act faster. If the stressor is too intense or prolonged, all compensatory mechanisms are exhausted, and the body suffers from toxic effects of cortisol and adrenaline. You can buy Biotredin.

Why alcohol improves mood

The tradition of drinking alcohol to "treat the nerves," is not in vain so strong. Ethanol metabolites bind opiate receptors in the synapses, and operate in the same way as the endorphins. That is, you do it becomes easier for a while, and the lack of its own endorphins overlaps quite comparable efficacy surrogate.

The action of alcohol on the body

But positive emotions, which causes the intake of alcohol, do not stay with you for a long time. Once synapses exempt from ethanol metabolites, people once again feel the reality of their problems. The signal from the nerve tissue to produce its own endorphins have been reported since their place was occupied by the ethanol and the lack was not felt. In addition, in the process of conversion of alcohol in the liver of his was involved in dopamine metabolism system, and now has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Therefore, after the euphoria of alcohol should be emotional downturn, even more pronounced than before drinking. In this regard, in people prone to alcoholism, at this stage a big risk to go into hard drinking: for a new portion of alcohol again, cheer up, and this mechanism will work a few more times, and then they simply will not be able to stop. For those who are not inclined to dependence, the practice of removing the alcohol stress can lead to depression.

How to relieve stress without alcohol

Alcohol does not eliminate stress, temporarily mask your condition, reducing the chances of further strengthen the internal mechanisms of adaptation to psychological stress. So if you really seriously, it is the habits contact is not necessary.

Sedatives reduce the excitability of the nervous system, but also inhibit the metabolism of here. Therefore, most of them are suitable as an emergency with a high psychological stress, but do not work as a means of stress.

Increase in the metabolic processes of the nerve cells and simultaneously activate protective combination can braking amino acids L-threonine and vitamin B6, which are active components Biotredin drug. It improves the formation of its own endorphins, the body activates the resources to deal with stress.

If you have already started to take the stress of alcohol, then Biotredin will not go into hard drinking, and not to sink into a depression.

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