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Doping thesis

19 Oct 2016

Soviet athletes started to use doping in the training process in the early 50-ies of the last century. In many respects it was conditioned by political reasons. As a result of the confrontation of two systems - socialism and capitalism - a demonstration of the advantages of a system required a preponderance of the evidence. To achieve the goal the quickest and most effective way was chosen- Doping.

Doping - "magic wand"

In 1972, the document appears under the heading "for official use", entitled "Anabolic steroids and athletic performance." It provides accurate descriptions of dosages of anabolic agents of Nerobolum and Retabolilum, which in combination with precisely calculated timing effects result in increased muscle mass, improved recovery processes and improve the endurance of an athlete.

It would be naive to think that to not resort to doping by athletes from other countries, but that the doping rate was largely determine policy in the national sport.

While in the West, to build modern sports centers, is focusing on the development of new technologies, improvement of sports equipment and training process, our country's policy has been focused on the other.

In 1980, the Olympic Games held in Moscow. This global event was largely politically motivated. But many world records have been set on its athletes due to doping. By the way, the service doping control, which worked on the Olympic Games, did not reveal a single case of the use by athletes of banned stimulants.

The heyday of the use of doping in the sport of the highest achievements in the Soviet Union was at the end of 80-ies of the last century. This, in particular, told the three-time Olympic champion in cross-country skiing and biathlon Anfisa Reztsova in an interview with "Moskovsky Komsomolets" before the Olympic Games in Turin: "Since 1988, we all began to make Blood Doping. That is, first bled, and then just before the start of an important injected it back. I personally from it all no energy gain is not felt, although they say that someone is blood doping to help achieve a result. On the other hand, our famous biathlete Sergei Tarasov from such a procedure at one time almost died in France. However, and it's all flowers in comparison with what is happening in modern sport. It somehow just anywhere without doping. And for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner. I was genuinely surprised when someone begins to beat his chest to say: I'm clean! Why lie, then? All enjoy! Only someone more, and some less. Such is the modern sport. " By the way, twenty years later A. Reztsova admitted that she had used doping in the training process. However, this courageous act of outstanding athletes not in the least moved the attitude of national sports officials, heads of federations to the problem of drugs in our country.

In other words, the rate of doping, makes a lot of domestic officials, coaches, doctors, athletes, stretching back to Soviet times. After winning in sports, athletes are scored on the world stage, were presented by the government as the advantage of the socialist system over the capitalist.

Sports Committee of the USSR has faded into the past, but his legacy - a centralized preparation of sportsmen - in many forms continues to this day. This is worth looking in more detail.


During the existence of the two German states, the palm in the sport belong to the GDR. Sport leadership of this country to use the centralized training, where scientists and coaches at the athletes dope tested and developed ways to cover the banned stimulants. They were quite a long time been able to drive a drug test, if I may say so, by the nose. After the unification of East and West Germany into one state, many coaches and experts - both foreign and domestic - we were confident that the German athletes will generally inaccessible.

However, this did not happen. Sport management and the newly established community in Germany, having analyzed the successes of the GDR athletes came to the conclusion that the state created by this centralized training is not nothing but a hotbed of doping, and denied such a system of support.

So what is a centralized training? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let's start with the fact that the centralized training in our country appeared in the Soviet times, when the sport of the highest achievements on paper was an amateur, but in reality - a professional. Skilled sportsmen of the country for his studies had already been paid for, including plumbers, locksmiths, instructors, and in fact they were many months at the training camp. The main essence of the centralized training lies in the fact that the teams of Member States in preparation for major international competitions carried out on training camp almost all the time. Here they have the best training conditions (ice arena, ski slopes, sports equipment, accommodation, meals, massage therapists, teachers ...) than on the ground. But that's not all. The main thing - a modern scientific and methodological support.

Scientific and methodological support

It carried out a group of scientists searching, the assurances of management of the sports committee of the USSR, the funds for the restoration of the athletes at ever increasing training and competition loads. But for professionals was no secret which "means recovery" they are looking for. As time has shown, these scientists, mainly engaged in the introduction of new drugs and their cover. In other words, decided to use the experience of the German Democratic Republic, It is no accident so far, some Russian officials give the example of the organization of elite sport in the GDR.

It should be noted that in those days, athletes are not always guessed that at a centralized training camp under the guise of "fortification" medical staff have tested them forbidden pharmacology. This method is somewhat similar to familiarizing young people to drugs. For athletes almost could not speak in the competition without the use of these drugs, at the same time gives them a psychological and self-confidence. Incidentally, for the successful performance of both Soviet and Russian athletes at major international competitions the medical staff received orders, medals and awards on par with the coaches and sports officials.

It should be noted that some studies were spending a lot of money, but on the other - in fact improving training methods and the invention of sports equipment - even in Soviet times, were allocated a pittance. Thus, the main link training of athletes - training technique - for more than three decades, is funded by a residual principle.


Logically, the concept of doping and sports science are incompatible. In other words, sport scientists should relate to the use of doping by athletes in the training process very negatively and wage uncompromising struggle with this "plague".

As you know, in our country, a group of leading representatives of sports science was a trendsetter in the field of sports training theory. Here, this is the group verbally opposed the use of doping in the training process, but in fact they are satisfied with the use of performance-enhancing drugs, because it contributed to a better growth results in athletes compared with traditional training system. And that some of the leading scientists in the field of sports training technology skillfully used by attributing the success of the results in the growth of the athletes obtained by doping, its scientific and methodological developments, supposedly embedded in the training process. Not to be unfounded, we present the following fact.

Two decades in the USSR national team, which were used doping, scientific and methodological assistance rendered complex scientific group, which included scientists in the field of training methodology, the researchers of medical and biological cycle, psychologists, scientists, and others. In other words, representatives of sports science. All their research work in logic was to be aimed at, in order to improve athletic performance of members of teams of the USSR mainly by improving training techniques. Many experts, coaches, sports fans have been assured that the staff of complex scientific groups are working in this direction. But in practice it turned out not so.

Soviet athletes in the national team of the country in which dopes were used, over the years in these complex scientific group made a huge leap in the growth of athletic performance, which puts the athletes in establishing a number of world records and achievements. In addition, they became winners of the European championships, world, Olympic Games and other major international competitions.

Naturally, this huge success associated with athletes showing outstanding results, attracted attention of many experts, academics, trainers, both domestic and foreign. Coaches of the USSR national teams in sports that used doping, did not do any secret of it. At scientific conferences on these kinds of sports, in the literature, they spoke and wrote that was used in the work with the athletes the most advanced method of training developed by Soviet scientists and theorists.

In addition, coaches teams of the USSR is constantly stated that a significant increase in athletic performance .ih wards are required, above all scientists - members complex research groups. A reasonable question: "But how to this statement trainers of teams of the USSR react in sports, which were used doping reacted scientists working at the complex scientific groups?" Flattering reviews coaches teams of the USSR they are quite satisfied. In other words, a considerable part of representatives of sports science is quite satisfied with the circumstance provided scientific and methodological assistance to athletes of national teams.

However, some experts and coaches, not related to the team of the USSR, did not believe that this unprecedented success has been achieved, as claimed by sports scientists, mainly by improving the training system. For male athletes of the Soviet Union and East Germany did not have such high-profile victories over athletes capitalist countries, compared to athletes in cyclic sports endurance, although they both trained at a technology developed by scientists and theorists.

It is known that anabolic steroids have stronger impact on the female body than men. This was in the press quite frankly at the time told the former head coach in running endurance Tyurin Yu. His interviews and it was titled: "We won by using performance-enhancing drugs." A similar pattern was observed in other sports, which were used doping.

It should be noted that for these nefarious purposes by public authorities representatives of sports science has been given the green light. In our opinion, this was only possible in a totalitarian state, which was the Soviet Union in those years. By the way, none of the Western country with a genuine democracy at the state level are not allowed to use the doping of athletes in the training process, although there is found a lot of pharmacists individualists.

Having the freedom of action of impunity doping in athletes training process at the state level, representatives of national sports science practically ceased to work on improving the basic level of training of athletes - training methodology.

So many coaches began vigorously explore new to the profession - pharmacists. In USSR they invented such drugs as: Phenotropil, Mildronate, and many others. Because otherwise, as we say, in the "people" (ie, the national team) can not break through. The authors believe that it is the leadership of the USSR State Committee and representatives of sports science in the first place responsible for the fact that so much dope got into the national team. And, of course, the coaches that went on about the first two. And only one of the last places in the dirty list are athletes themselves, even though they are for the use of doping in the training process are the most severe penalties, up to a lifetime ban, while the other actors mentioned above, usually remain behind the scenes.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that the leading domestic sports scientists in the field of training methods in sports where doping was used, had to turn a blind eye, as well seen on the ineffectiveness of the proposed practice of training techniques. This incompetence of scientists and theorists on the methodology of training is very costly domestic coaches in these sports. Today's generation of coaches, mostly not able to prepare without doping athletes to consistently high results of the year-round, as it requires a modern sports calendar.


High-profile doping scandals that occur in domestic sport lately athletes, football players, hockey players, weightlifters, cyclists, swimmers, skiers, biathletes, rowers ... made sport leaders, federations, coaches and athletes to speak to the media about the support of doping by state structures. In addition, it was found that the problem went away deeply rooted, and touched not only the elite echelon, but entered in youth sports.

It would be naive to think about this situation did not guess sports officials. But, apparently, they were simply good close eye on what is happening. However, the scheme: "not caught - not a thief" and "the end justifies the means" - now seems to be not working. But the replacement of pharmacology, as is evident, is not, as in the past three decades, the professional level of local coaches and specialists hardly improved, "gaps" Lata by doping. Trainers and professionals who want to develop and create, in our country there are not many. With the collapse of the Union alone find a job abroad, and those who remained, often became a "hit on his hands" set out in the tight time frame, the latter had to produce results, and therefore, willy - nilly to go on a dangerous, but the shortest doping path.

With the approval of sports officials for many decades in the preparation of the Soviet Union and Russia's leading athletes for responsible starts the main emphasis is on solidly camouflaged the use of illicit drugs in the so-called centers of "special training". This state of affairs was due to the fact that many domestic sports officials for decades firmly believe in the magical power of pharmacology. That these representatives of sports science, they have supported and support, as they are with their words, mostly forged victory in the sphere of sports. And on my own to add: at the same time causing irreparable harm to the health of athletes, sports authority of Russia, as well as making the profession as immoral coach. All this has led to the fact that domestic coaches are very behind in scientific - methodical plan in cyclic sports-related manifestation of endurance. In addition, a centralized preparation of athletes mostly negatively affected the artistic coaches, as they were mostly separated from their students, the preparation of which were mainly physicians. Then what about the improvement of training techniques can talk about? It is no coincidence in our country in cyclic kinds of dispute endurance there were many couples where the husband or father - coach (pharmacologist), and the wife or daughter - athletes. Indeed, as mentioned above, banned stimulants on the female body are stronger than men. In this matter, especially succeeded runner endurance and skiers.

Research carried out practically on the part of the training methodology for all these years. And what it can be for research, "implicated" in the doping? Not in pharmacology and gene therapy research, and improving training in technology, the invention of sports equipment in the construction of modern training centers, training of coaching staff, and this practice for a long time is not in our country, it is necessary to invest. Progress in cyclic sports-related display of endurance has to be achieved through modern technologies of training professionals possess these techniques, with the help of modern equipment.

It should be noted that the IOC has created is now an extensive network of anti-doping services with modern equipment. There were new detection methods of banned drugs. Work to advance brought the fight against doping in sport to another level of quality. Therefore, many athletes as we do, and abroad were not prepared for the fact that doping has no place in sports.

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