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Doping Scandals

04 Aug 2016

Olympic sports and special services. This closed topic rarely touched on before sports reporters. But before the Olympics in Brazil, she came to the fore because of the doping scandal.

Caricature situation

As usual, our little physical training companies met after a workout in the vitamin bar fitness club. We with Anatoly Petrovich ordered a citrus mix, and Victor and Andrew protein shakes.

- Doping indulge? - I tried to pin the young officers.

- There's nothing forbidden: no steroids or anabolic steroids - began seriously to justify Andrew.

Victor said with a grin: - We know that doping is very harmful for the man potency.

Honorary President of the Russian Football Union Vyacheslav Koloskov, who recently joined the independent commission of the Russian Olympic Committee anti-doping, says: "The Soviet sports reductant used, but these were not illegal drugs. Directing football and hockey in the 1980s, I was constantly reported to the board of the State Committee of the USSR on pharmacological maintenance of our national team, which is based on the use of herbal medicines. I remember our scientific group brought different means from the Altai, the Far East, traveled to China, we find there are different products of alternative medicine such as ginseng.

Whole institutions and complex scientific group studying their properties and assessed how successful they can be used for recovery of athletes, including football players.

At some point, the doctors of our national teams, together with the scientists came to the conclusion that it is very effective in restoring caviar. The famous doctor of football and hockey teams of the USSR Oleg Belakovsky a report on the matter prepared for the Sports Committee of the USSR. As a result of caviar we had a major doping in the country. "

- But now there was comical situation, and doping can declare anything, - said Andrei. - Meldonium story - a vivid example. But this is only a cheap remedy for cores. As proof of his words he took from a fresh newspaper and read opinions portfolio Juris Bundukisa - chairman of the pharmaceutical company "Grindeks". He was confident that Meldonium not have been included in the doping list: Mildronate is not a drug that enhances achievement athlete bears no actual or potential threat to health. In no way Meldonium therapeutic use is not contrary to the spirit of sport and in particular to health. "

- I read in the foreign press that Meldonium is a secret development of the KGB. Mildronate supposedly commissioned by the KGB Latvian scientist specially made for the Soviet special forces fighting in Afghanistan.

My interlocutors unanimously protested. - I spent two years "beyond the river" fighting in Afghanistan - Colonel Novikov said. - Well I know the guys from the special groups are now famous "Zenith" and "Cascade", but no one gave of us any Meldonium.

- You'd be surprised, but in Chechen and other dangerous fight we buy the necessary medicines for their money in the usual drugstore - bitterly confirmed the words of a senior comrade Victor. - Is it possible that secret services do not have enough - funds for medicines? - I did not believe a journalist. - Here, too, the situation is much caricature: in our hospital, of course, have all the necessary medicines, but worn with a variety of first-aid kit is no different. Basically, bandages, painkillers and tablets for water disinfection ...

Before the start of the Olympic Games in Rio was skeptical and still trying to find those responsible for the doping scandal with Russian sportsmen.

- I do not believe Western accusations nor our excuses - frankly journalist said his interlocutors from the security services. - But there is no smoke without fire. In Sochi operations substitution samples specifically two people involved: a FSB officer Blokhin names and former director of the Moscow Anti-Doping Rodchenkov laboratory.

So they're the main culprits? - I would not jump to conclusions - cooled the ardor of the browser "Academy" Colonel Novikov. - "Agent Blokhin" In my opinion, a fictional defector Rodchenkov figure. The myth of the KGB-FSB long arm he needs to enhance its reputation in the West. - By the way, doping scandal with Russian athletes started with the publication in The New York Times first interview Rodchenkova, - the journalist said. - It is there claimed that very frightened after the mysterious death of two of his colleagues - the heads of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency Vyacheslav Sinev and Nikita Kamaeva. It would seem that he is right. In a short time of twenty Russian wrestlers doping suddenly gone to the light two strong men of fifty.

In the West claim that it removes the FSB witnesses of their crimes against doping. - But 18 witnesses were in fact alive, - Anatoly Petrovich shrugged. - Besides death and Sinev Kamaeva it was caused by natural causes. One suffered for several years from an incurable disease, the other died suddenly of a heart attack. Special services for more than half a century, are not engaged in "wet" cases. Browser "AN" did not want to play in this debate, and pulled out of the gym bag specially saved translating the notorious report by Richard McLaren.

In it Canadian lawyer stated: "Russian anti-doping laboratory has developed a unique methodology for the replacement of samples of doping tests, which allowed the Russian athletes, who used doping, to participate in the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Russian Sports Minister immediately directed and controlled manipulation of the results of the doping tests of athletes. " The report speaks of falsification of 643 doping samples from 2012 to 2015. But claims that the commission headed by McLaren on the role in the doping scandal of Russian special services. Quote from the report: "In the evening, December 12, 2014 Blokhin FSB officer who controlled lab activities led other FSB officers. No employee lab did not see the presence of the FSB in the laboratory, but the next morning, the remaining cork sample tubes were opened, so that the urine in them could be replaced by ".

The report McClaren said: "Thanks to the efforts of the FSB method was developed undetectable removing covers from the tubes containing the urine samples of Russian athletes who have used a drug that was used during the Olympic Games in Sochi." Soon, however, on the same pages of the report it states: "The exact method that was used the FSB for opening bottles with the samples during the Olympic Games in Sochi, is unknown." - What is the evidence? - Outraged Victor. - "I do not see, is unknown ..." FSB officers Rodchenkova could pass away for greater importance every rogue. The documents he have some Blokhin, of course, did not check ... Olympic state securities of a puncture - For the eyes of Gregory Rodchenkova not in vain called "mad professor" - joined in the conversation again Andrew. - That's just the shortest milestones of his biography.

This 57-year-old native of Moscow was considered a good expert in your field. A graduate of the Moscow State University, Ph.D., he began working in the Moscow anti-doping center more in 1985. Then he worked in Canada, in the Russian petrochemical companies, and led the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Anti-Doping Center" in 2005. Vladimir Ivanov, a long time knowing Rodchenkova, gave him such a characterization: "Grigory Mikhailovich - a very unusual person. He reminds the hero comic book superhero - brilliant, but mad professor who wants to take over the world. Ever-tousled hair. Boundless energy. Grandiose plans and incredible mind. His tendency to know many fantastic ideas.

And treated it leniently, "This is Gregory ..." "Mad Professor" repeatedly came into conflict with Russian law. In 2013, convicted and sentenced under Art was recognized in Moscow. 234 h. 3 of the Criminal Code "Illegal circulation of strong or poisonous substances with a view to sale" Honored Master of Sports Marina Rodchenkova. The trial court sentenced her to one and a half years in prison, but after the appeal hearing period replaced the suspended sentence.

As the materials of the criminal case, Marina Rodchenkova bought anabolic steroids, actively used in professional sports: Testosterone Propionate (total weight 15 g), Oxandrolone (32.4 g) and Methandienone (10 g), which, as explained Rodchenkova herself, she He intended to sell in the future. Marina - the sister of Gregory Rodchenkova, which also took place in this case. Investigators suspect that the primary source of illegal drugs was he.

Once threatened with prosecution, Gregory Rodchenkov began to behave inappropriately and repeatedly placed in a hospital "for the production of a forensic psychiatric examination." Later, the court submitted a petition that has Rodchenkova schizotypal personality disorder. As a result, with Rodchenkova cleared of all charges. But the most surprising, that a person with a "schizotypal personality disorder" and sister convicted for trafficking in hard drugs, was at the head of Russia's only WADA accredited anti-doping laboratory. Moreover, in this capacity, he worked at the Olympics in 2014 and even got the job Order of Friendship. - Here is the most important puncture our special services, - contritely Colonel Novikov said. - Missed psycho-traitor.

Therefore, the urine poor Russian athletes guilty and organs. And not only domestic.

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