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Doping for the brain

20 Dec 2016

All one has to resort to the use of "smart pills" to maintain their brain activity. Is it possible to compare the "smart drugs" with energy drinks? What harm them and for whom they are created? Does "brain activators" addictive?

Carphedon, Phenylpiracetam, Phenotropil

Doping for the brain are nootropic substances. If you translate the term "nootropic" literally, then "HOOC" Greek - is thinking, "Tropos" - desire. Neuroprotective drugs, according to doctors, stimulate memory, help with learning, increase concentration, and stimulate intellectual activity. All this is due to the improvement of cerebral circulation and metabolism regulation, metabolism, resulting in increased efficiency, particularly mental activity. Nootoropic drugs are useful to humans. These medications need to be taken carefully to avoid the opposite effect in overdose. In addition, nootropics reduce emotional stress and "improve the quality of life."

The most innocuous nootropic is glycine. It is recommended for excessive excitability and experience acute situations. But in practice, the drug is often used for the prevention of nervous system. Due to glycine "the world is perceived in the colors, it does not become discolored, and allows you to perceive the shades." Psychologist himself he confessed that uses the medicine regularly.

Glycine is released without prescription costs about RUR. The basic "drug intelligence" on the Russian market of medicines considered Nootropil or Piracetam. Unlike glycine Nootropil should be consumed on a particular circuit that doctor is issued depending on the course of treatment - an average month.

"For the student before exams should begin to use the drug for two months in order to achieve the best effect in the preparation of and during the session".

Phenotropil, Memotropil - the most common analogs nootropics. A Phenotropil, among other things, reduces appetite, which in some cases helps reduce weight.

Despite the positive properties of nootropics, there are some rather unpleasant side effects: irritability, insomnia, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. "Intelligent pills" are not addictive, if strictly follow doctor's instructions.

From recommendations also depends on the effectiveness of drugs. "As a rule, due to the inefficiency of nootropics inadequate designation of the preparation, for example, when it has not been shown or was incorrectly matched without regard to the individual patient.”
Some have compared "preparations for the intellect" with energy drinks. - Energy drinks - is available, surrogate uncontrolled doping with short-term effect, which is often combined with alcohol, which further worsens the effect on the body. And unlike neuroprotective drugs, energy drinks do not improve metabolism, and even as they are addictive. Better then a cup of coffee - the same effect, and harmless as a whole.

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