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Doctors' reviews about Ginseng Kianpi Pil

16 Nov 2017

Ginseng Kianpi Pil is a capsule biologically active food additive made in China. This product positions itself as a means to stimulate muscle growth, enhance appetite, restore the body after heavy physical exertion, strengthen the immune forces and adjust the work of vital systems and organs. "Ginseng kianpi peel" is recommended to athletes who need to maintain their tone after exhausting training, and people with poor health. What do experts say about this drug?

Opinions and reviews about Ginseng Kianpi Pil by professionals

The doctors' comments about Ginseng Kianpi Pil are quite diverse, from enthusiastic to negative. Moreover, negative are connected with the fact that the majority of drugs illegally entering the market of sports nutrition are fake. According to experts, dangerous for health components, part of the fake products, can cause the development of allergic reactions, can cause drowsiness and the gradual accumulation of fatty deposits, and even have carcinogenic properties. Therefore, buying a product from untested sellers can significantly damage your health.

At the same time, even the original product, like any other dietary supplements, has its own contraindications and side effects. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years. As evidenced by the doctors' reviews of Ginseng Kianpi Pil, the undesirable phenomena observed after taking are often associated with increased intake of simple carbohydrates. They include:

Acne (acne);

Increased fat content of the skin;

Disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

To avoid this, experts recommend to start taking with minimal doses, completely eliminate from the diet of trans fats, food, sweet and fatty foods, increase kalorazh gradually, to improve digestion, parallel take special enzyme preparations.

On the positive properties of biologically active additives "Ginseng kianpi drank," then, according to experts, they are due to its constituent potent herbs. For example, Angelica possesses antioxidant and anti-tumor activity, ginseng improves metabolism and normalizes metabolism, vaginal girchovnik has diuretic and analgesic effect, Cordyceps Chinese stimulates the pituitary gland and enhances the secretion of hormones kodonopis timber accelerates protein synthesis. Thus, the complex effect of the components that make up the preparation is very favorable. The main thing that the product was really original.

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