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Doctor Shprits: error of steroid therapy

08 Dec 2016

The people like to listen to the guru, from it won't get to anywhere. Doctor Lyuber didn't indulge us the opuses long ago, and we have remembered works of one of pioneers of a steroid subject in the Russian media. Perhaps, athletes with an experience remember articles signed "Doctor Shprits". They were published in the late nineties when in wide use there were Leonid Ostapenko and Yury Bulanov's brochures, well and a translated book of Bill Phillips. There was no place to scoop more information on androgens and steroids simply. Even the Internet as it stands wasn't yet – so, sprouts of future life. Doctor Shprits the first has begun to cover in the kachkovskikh magazines the steroid topic, long before emergence of articles of Doctor Lyuber or Yura Bombela. Yes, today his articles will seem to someone not especially deep and in something naive, however in due time it hasn't prevented the same Lyuber in a dedicatory inscription on the book about steroids to call Doctor Shprits the teacher. Therefore we have decided that this article will be for you interesting.

The one who does nothing isn't mistaken is popular wisdom says. This statement approaches "chemical" bodybuilding for all hundred percent. Yes, the body builders using steroids often make the mass of mistakes which, there are they are armed with elementary knowledge, it would be possible to avoid. But where they can get this knowledge? Is it a district doctor? No way. Is it a sports clinic? Too it is unlikely. Everything that it is necessary to do to poor body builders is to try to discover answers to the questions at same "experts" as they and in rare journal publications. In this article I would like to share the reflections about the mistakes made by "chemical" bodybuilders.

Don't contact steroids.

I believe that the first is made when the athlete makes the decision to resort to steroids. In my opinion, steroids need or be not to used at all, or to use them regularly and systematically. The steroid cycles which are carried out occasionally with long breaks between them will hardly give something to you in respect of a set of "global" "weight". The kilograms which are usually gained during a cycle right there begin to disappear somewhere after its termination. The most part gathered, and sometimes and all leaves. The same can be told and about power indicators — a bar which you effortlessly squeezed out only a two-three of weeks back, it becomes suddenly unreal heavy. At the same time it is necessary to remember that if you begin to shake, then you won't be able to grow without their help any more.

Interesting the fact that no tricks to which body builders in attempt to keep the gained weight and strength try to resort help. It is possible to refer slow and smooth decrease in a dosage of steroids at the end of a cycle (it, allegedly, helps to recover production of own testosterone), acceptance in a final stage of a rate of HGG (gonadotrophin), anti-estrogen (nolvadeks, proviron) and antikatabolik (like klenbuterol) to them, massive loading by amino acids, etc. It is possible that all these measures to some extent and slow down that collapse of force and "weight" which expects most of athletes at the end of a rate (though, for certain, also exceptions to the rules meet). But the longer you abstain from steroids, the stronger you "pour". As a result in two-four months of abstention from steroids it is possible to lose all that increase which was reached during 6-12 weeks steroid "cycle".From there is a conclusion: breaks between cycles have to be minimum, only in this case perhaps steady progress forward. The ambitious athletes understanding all this and arrive. At the same time, as to me sees, short 4-6 weeks cycles with the subsequent 2 - 4 weeks breaks between them are optimum. Why I consider quite so — a subject of separate article, I will note here that the short periods of rest don't give "will fall off" to muscles, but at the same time allow to be refreshed to the receptors of muscle cells reacting to steroids. Not to "ambitious" athletes who don't dream "hyper weight" and monasteries of champions, steroids to anything. To sit on "chemistry" at least for eight months in a year – occupation very tiresome as a hobby both bodies, and not cheap. Besides the organism of the user has to initially is in perfect tune to mill enormous physical activities, to digest tons of high-protein food and thousands of milligrams of these or those medicines. Therefore if you go in for bodybuilding for strengthening of the health, for maintenance of muscles in a tone — don't contact "chemistry".

Excessive dosages.

One of serious mistakes of "chemical" body builders is use of excessive dosages. Many bodybuilders are, in essence, extremists and argue approximately so: if from 200 or 300 mg a week I grow well, then from 600 I will grow even better. Actually it not so. I can't explain it from the scientific point of view, but different dosages of steroids are required for different users to increase "weight". Let's tell, 200 mg a sound board-durabolina in a week together with 4 tablets of "methane" a day quite are enough for one, and it is necessary for another twice, and even it is three times more. At the same time athletes can be approximately at one level of development, have comparable body weight, etc. In what the reason of similar distinctions? Obviously, that receptors of muscle cells of each person in a special way perceive these or those medicines. It is no secret that some individuals don't react to steroids at all, and some "grow" from the minimum dosages.To what tactics it makes sense to adhere to separately taken user? I believe that it is necessary to begin a cycle with small doses and smoothly to raise them. Till what time? So far you don't define through what period there will be "clogging" of receptors of muscle cells. In specialized literature it is said that, as a rule, it occurs 3-6 weeks later after the beginning of a steroid cycle, but it is obvious that in your case it can be some more concrete figure. I assume (notice — I don't claim) that after receptors of muscle cells cease to react to this or that medicine, further increase in a dosage won't give positive effect. And here side effects, especially from use of androgens like an omnadren or a testenat, can be shown far more brightly. It can be both spots, and ginekomastia, and the strengthened fat accumulation, and an excessive delay of water. What should be undertaken in case your receptors don't react to this or that medicine (a combination of medicines) anymore? Option two: or on the maximum dose to tear off a cycle and to make a pause for about two weeks, using anti-estrogen and HGG, and then to continue a cycle already with other medicines, or, very smoothly reducing a dosage to keep as much as possible gathered forces and "masses", to leave a cycle. You can also like Ventramin.

Too long courses.

In my opinion, the problem of too long courses is closely bound to this problem that also I consider a mistake. I will notice, however, that in a stage of "drying" long use of steroids is justified, at least, by what allows to keep muscle bulk. And in general it is quite curious: after the receptors of muscle cells reacting to steroids "are clogged", the user ceases to progress in force and "weight", but and isn't rolled away on initial positions. For this reason as it seems to me, some athletes don't "get down" from a course in large quantities months — they simply are afraid "to lose weight"! Reaches that reception of small doses of such drugs as methandrostenolone, Testosteroni propionas or a sound board Durabolinum, isn't even considered course per se - it is only peculiar "providing a hormonal background". From such dosages the user, matter of course, doesn't grow, but at the same time and especially doesn't decrease in sizes. Some use insulin with the same purposes.

Wrong choice of medicines.

"Chemical" body builders often make mistakes in case of the choice of medicines which they are going to use on "rate". You for certain heard that, as a rule, the steroid cycle represents a combination of several (two, three and more) components. In such scheme there is the sense as different steroids in case of simultaneous use have synergy properties, that is work far stronger in a sheaf, than separately. Mathematically such formula can be expressed so: 1+1=3. The similar scheme allows to apply, in addition, lower dosages that is urgent in case of acceptance of the steroids which are considered "dirty" (a sustanona, "methane", an omnadren, etc.). One more plus of this scheme: if any medicine is a counterfeit, then the others in that case will work.

However it is extremely important to select steroid sheaves correctly. For example, simultaneous acceptance of the same methane, a sustanon and testosterone depot will it is unlikely be justified — too this combination looks toxic. It isn't excluded that as a result you turn into water "bubble" and from legs to the head you will become covered by spots, and the so-called gained "weight" after the termination of a cycle will disappear in record time. On the other hand, it is at least important to lash the selected medicines to those purposes which you before yourself set. If once again to mention the stated above scheme, it will be very difficult to gather on it a decent relief and if you work for "quality", it is better for you to give preference to such medicines as vinstrol (oral or injection), primobolan (also oral or injection), ocsandrolon, trenbolone. At the worst, in case of shortage of means silabolin, testosterone propionate or a sound board. As it is already understood, financial side moves here to the forefront.

Wrong trainings.

Traditional mistake which is usually made by beginners are the wrong trainings during a steroid cycle. The matter is that steroids in itself don't raise a muscle (unlike the same hormone of growth which, according to some information, is capable to increase muscle bulk even at rest), and substantially accelerate process of restoration of an organism after the heavy shock trainings. And if beginning "chemist" plainly hasn't learned to train yet, isn't able to squeeze out of himself everything that is possible in gym, then the effect of a steroid course will be minimum.

Wrong rest between courses.

Hardly no more widespread mistake which is made by "chemical" body builders consists, oddly enough sounds, in how these athletes behave during the rest periods from steroids. Most of the authors writing on this subject for some reason avoid this problem, and such star in the field of sports pharmacology as Bill Phillips claims that the athlete who isn't using steroids has to train also intensively, as well as extremely "loaded" body builder. I can't agree with this statement. The matter is that after the termination of a steroid cycle the organism of the user gets to a condition of so-called negative nitrogenous balance when disintegration of protein in an organism happens more actively, than synthesis. In addition recovery abilities of an organism sharply go down. Trying to keep the gained "weight" by means of reception of shock doses of protein, klenbuterol, gonadotrophin, such body builders all the same sustain losses.Trying to turn somehow a situation back, they lean on trainings, get to a condition of the general overtraining and begin "to pour" even quicker. It is possible that the insulin which is nearly the main thing antikataboliky however not in this situation can great help everyone is able to use competently it, and careless reception of this hormone can lead to serious problems, besides, insulin promotes augmentation of a fatty layer. Therefore if the "chemical" body builder doesn't use insulin, then it is in that case better to reduce considerably intensity of a training (workers of weight, number of the carried-out exercises) and to go to the hall not more often than 1 — 2 time a week. Earlier I couldn't understand in any way why many of elite pros after end of a competitive season in general stop training. Now it is clear to me — thus they tried to keep more muscles!

Improper feeding.

In order that muscles grew it is necessary to have, at least, from what they grow, namely — necessary nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Usually data of the following order are provided in literature: for extension of muscles it is necessary to consume not less than 2 grams of protein on kilogram of body weight, and also at least 4-5 grams of carbohydrates. The calories received from fat have to make about 15 — 20% of the general caloric content of your ration. At the same time consider that if you don't gather additionally with carbohydrates, then the organism which got to a condition of an energy crisis will scoop energy from protein which won't go in this case for construction of muscular tissue. On the other hand, the hyperalimentation of the same carbohydrates, especially not dietary sense will give to your musculation the swelled bloated look, and it is quite possible, you in general will resemble more the fighter of sumo than the body builder. Certainly, even the most balanced diet needs additional feed by vitamins, minerals and trace substances — only in this case optimum body height of "weight" will be provided. Besides, it will allow to minimize negative effect from reception of steroids.

Neglect "cleaning".

If you, using steroids, are anxious with a condition of the health then to you it is regularly necessary to purge after the termination of steroid cycles an organism. "Intoxicated" kidneys and a liver (especially a liver which is a peculiar filter of a human body on which settle toxiferous substances), first, don't allow to function fully to an organism, and secondly, weaken effect of influence of steroids. Those who aren't cleaned", as a rule, make one more mistake, namely — don't do blood tests which could indicate to you in what state there is your health.

Wrong injections.

Many musclemen don't heat Solutio oleosa of steroids before the use. As a result - "cone" in an injection site. As a result the steroid will slowly come to a blood stream that will reduce effect of its use. And also complications in the form of abscesses are possible. Disposable syringes are obligatory, and if you gather a steroid not from an ampoule, and from the vial corked with a rubber lid, then it is necessary to gather drug one needle, and an injection to do another. At the same time the rubber lid needs to be wiped with spirituous solution in addition. Area number one is the external top square of breeches. Also for this purpose side sites of a quadriceps approach. Some athletes do local injections in deltoid muscles, arms and even a back, believing that the nyxis immediately in a muscle accelerates its body height. Perhaps, in it there is a sense, but it is necessary to do all this very carefully and competently. As well as in general everything if business concerns steroids and androgens. To get into such thin piece as endocrine system of the person without knowing, without thinking and without wishing the nobility, to think – the last business.

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