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Development of alcoholism and death

12 Mar 2019

In the long-term use of alcoholic beverages, chronic alcoholism develops with its clinical picture, which varies in degree, but with a characteristic for all drinkers - they tend to find an excuse for drinking, and if there is no reason - they drink without it.

Development of alcoholism and death. Phenotropil hangover

Experiments and observations on drinking people found that the toxicity of alcohol is the stronger, the higher its concentration. This explains the adverse effect of strong alcoholic "drinks" on the development of alcoholism. (Phenylpiracetam can help against hangover).

No matter how severe the consequences of alcoholism, but not in it the whole tragedy of this problem. Tragedy in the very consumption of alcohol.

Thus, alcohol products disfigure the life of a person and the whole society.

Lethal outcome

Like any poison, alcohol, taken in a certain dose, leads to death. By numerous experiments, the least amount of poison is calculated per kilogram of body weight, which is necessary for poisoning and death of the animal. This is the so-called toxic equivalent. From the observation of poisoning people with ethyl alcohol, a toxic equivalent is also derived for humans. It is 7-8 g. For a person in 64 kg, the lethal dose will be 500 g of pure alcohol.

The speed of administration has a significant effect on the course of poisoning. Slow administration reduces the risk. When a lethal dose enters the body, the body temperature decreases by 3-4 degrees. Death occurs in 12-40 hours. If we make a calculation for 40 ° vodka, then it turns out that the lethal dose is 1200 g.

Acute alcohol poisoning, or so-called "opiate" death, is not taken into account in modern statistics, so we can judge their frequency from prerevolutionary statistics. Death from the butt depends on the per capita consumption of alcohol and the strength of "drinks". The analysis of sudden and accidental deaths shows that alcohol is one of the leading causes of accidents.

It is established that death from alcohol in the Russian Empire happened 3-5 times more often than in other European countries. Proceeding from these data, the scientists make quite a fair conclusion that there are special conditions that cause unprecedented alcohol mortality in comparison with other countries, even with a lower per capita consumption of alcohol.

Scientifically proven that the lower the average annual temperature of a particular region, the heavier the impact of alcohol consumption on the human body. The influence of climate is so significant that scientists equate it with the accepted additional dose of alcoholic products, that is, in a cold climate the dose of alcohol is affected as well as in a warmer - a double dose.

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