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Cystine and Glutamic Acid at Hypotension

11 Feb 2017

Five weaknesses hypotonic

Hypotension is often considered to be a nice bonus from nature, as in this case, you will not get any dangerous pressure numbers and complications associated with hypertension. The reason is constantly reduced pressure is often impaired regulation of vascular tone, which can be a symptom of vascular dystonia.

Low blood pressure is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea in the morning, weakness and fatigue. This significantly complicates the lives of those who can not boast of a pressure higher than 100/60 mm Hg. Art. Therefore, people with low blood pressure are habits that may seem whims, but it helps to adapt to the characteristics of the organism.

Coffee in bed. People with hypotension can not physically get up alarm clock: normal vascular tone and heart rate upon waking they restored a few minutes. And if they did venture to dramatically get out of bed - may lose consciousness, or at least will have to sit down and wait until the end of dizziness and tinnitus. Therefore, it is better to wake up with a light warm-down, then sitting on the bed. If you have no one to bring tea or coffee "bed", then leave the night before by the bed with a glass of water and drink immediately after awakening. Some information about Pielotax.

Just a comfortable temperature. Poor thermoregulation - a frequent companion of hypotension. In hot weather people with hypotension will feel weak and suffer from a lack of oxygen and headache. If you want to sit still in a poorly heated office or lecture hall gipotonik have hard times: freezing hands and feet, somnolence and always hungry. Productivity in this bad, and regularly there is a desire not to go out for coffee or a smoke. Choose coffee: it will increase the pressure a bit, and you get warm - although coffee is important not to overdo it.

Intolerance to hunger and thirst. Often, low blood pressure occurs in people who adynamic in stature. This combination of physiological qualities leads to the fact that the energy reserves are very low, and if a person can not eat on time, then he rapidly deteriorating health and a bad mood. All this is not to say a bad character, and points to the vulnerability of hypotensive. Lack of water reduces the blood volume, and without the low pressure is further reduced, which can lead to unconsciousness.

High demands on air quality. Since hypotension is reduced when the partial pressure of a blood gas, the gas exchange efficiency is lower than with normal blood pressure. Therefore, each milliliter of oxygen in the inspired air is important. The stuffy room a person feels very bad, and this is primarily due to lack of oxygen in the brain.

Physical laziness. If you once again can not drive yourself to the gym, or just do the exercises at home, this may be due to laziness your physiology. Physical weakness inherent hypotonic and every workout can lead subsequently to a long recuperation, trigger a migraine, temporary heart rhythm disturbances. So start training at an arterial hypotension should be gradual, evenly distributing the force, nor in competition with anyone. In order to improve the adaptation to physical exercise and to avoid unpleasant consequences Eltacin take the drug, which consists of amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine. So you will render support to the heart, improve vascular regulation, and gradually increase physical endurance.

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