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Cycloferon Universal Antiviral Preparation

12 Jan 2017

Can I crush and grind Cycloferon (tablet)?

Cycloferon (tab) are covered with a special enteric coating which protects the contents of the pills from the acidic environment of the stomach. Violation of the shell leads to destruction of the integrity of the active ingredient in the stomach and reduce the therapeutic effect. Therefore Cycloferon (Tablet) is not recommended to grind (chew).

Why Cycloferon (tab) is allowed only for children from 4 years?
Application Cycloferon (tab) in children 4 years of age due to the physiological characteristics of the child's development: the imperfection of the act of swallowing. At the 4th year of the children, as a rule, can swallow the tablet whole.

How to take Cycloferon (tab) for the prevention of influenza in adults?
For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults tablets Cycloferon take 4 tablets in the prevention 1,2,4,6,8,11,14,17,21,23 day.

What is emergency prevention?
Start taking the medication for the purpose of prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection after contact with the ailing person or at the first signs of the disease called "emergency prevention". You can also like Vladonix.

What if I violate the receiving scheme Cycloferon (tablet)?
There are two options. First option: You have broken the reception circuit, do not take a break between meals, ie took Cycloferon (tablet), 2 or 3 consecutive days. In this case, a break in the reception of the drug in two or three days respectively and then continue taking Cycloferon (Tablet) scheme in a day. The second option: you forgot to take the drug, thereby missing the reception. In this case, you are taking Cycloferon (tab) the next day and continue treatment under the scheme through the day.

Does it make sense to take Cycloferon (tab) when it was sick for several days?
Of course, any antiviral drug, in particular Cycloferon (tablet), the most effective in the first hours and even in the early days of the disease. However, it makes sense to start taking Cycloferon (Tablet), even if the disease lasts for several days. In this case, Cycloferon (tab) will shorten the period of illness and reduce the risk of complications and reduce their severity.

How often can I take Cycloferon (tablet)?
Cycloferon (Tab) is not addictive either from viruses or from the human body, so it can be taken as needed. Ditto for Cycloferon known aftereffect, ie, after a course of the drug is maintained to protect the body within a week. However, it should be remembered that Cycloferon (Table) - a drug, so for his admission must be the base. Before applying Cycloferon (table) please consult your doctor.

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