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Cycloferon at Emergency Prevention of Flu and Strengthening Immunity

13 Jan 2017

At the height of the epidemic season it is very important not to catch the flu or SARS. Especially if there are children in the immediate vicinity. Children's immune system is quite volatile, reacts particularly acute on pathogens.

Our immune system is designed in such a way as to protect the body from external infections. However, for various reasons, the body's defensive reaction is delayed, and disease during that time can "gain traction". This may be due to the weakening of the immune system: due to stress, an unbalanced diet, climate change, etc. The virus itself also able to reduce the protective functions of the body. To fight the virus as soon as possible is used antiviral drugs that can quickly stop the multiplication of viruses.

How does Cycloferon act?
Functions of the immune defense cells are very diverse. Some of them are designed to produce interferons.

By their nature, interferon is a protein related to the innate immune system. He performs the first line of defense in response to the invading virus particles.

Cycloferon stimulates rapid production of interferons own body. We should not be afraid of an overabundance of interferon. In the body there is a mechanism to control the production of interferon, which is activated when the required level of interferon in the blood and their development stops.

Cycloferon - fast inducer of endogenous interferon
Molecule Cycloferon (active ingredient – acridone acetate meglumine) affects the immune system cells responsible for the production of interferon - macrophages. And they begin to produce interferon. Within 2 hours after ingestion maximum observed antiviral activity of the immune system. This "interferon barrier" prevents the penetration of viruses into the cells of the body and does not give the virus a chance to multiply.

What is "emergency prevention"
The use of the drug in order to prevent the disease in the event of contact with the ailing person and (or) during the epidemic called "emergency prevention". Application Cycloferon for emergency prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection reduces the risk of disease. Please pay attention to Pinealon.

Studying the effectiveness of Cycloferon for the purpose of prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children
Study the effectiveness of Cycloferon for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections was conducted on the basis of various medical institutions.

Results of the study
Children. Influence Cycloferon to reduce the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in young patients it has been experimentally proven in clinical studies to increase the natural resistance (resistance to the virus) children for the prevention of influenza and SARS. The study involved 17,520 children aged 4 to 16 years. The results showed that the application of Cycloferon incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection of young children has decreased by 7.2 times, and older - 2.9 times.

Adults. A similar clinical study was conducted and with adults aged 18-25 years. The study involved 3717 people.

As shown by the test results, Cycloferon reduces the incidence of adult influenza and SARS in 3,5 times.

Cycloferon approved for use in adults and children from 4 years.

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