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Creator of Meldonium: We must fight not with drugs, but with dishonest people

04 Aug 2016

Professor Ivar Kalvins believes that the decision to equate doping drugs may not be approved.

The fight against drugs has been banned by WADA as the drug will not help solve the problem of doping among athletes, but only hit the sick people, said the creator of Meldonium preparation, chairman of the scientific council of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis Ivars Kalvins.

- It is illegally, because there are normal medicines in this list such as Mildronate. In addition, there is a diuretic substance, which are taken by very many people. There are plenty of medications that control blood pressure. Only normal honest people would suffer, people, who are sick. Imagine if in this list include essential drugs, - he said.

- Does not help to get rid of the fact that the athletes will do everything, including the things prohibited to become winners. We must fight not with drugs, and with dishonest people. Need Flash and regular monitoring for athletes. And everything will be OK, - the professor said.

August 3 Russian Interior Ministry has prepared a draft resolution, which equates WADA prohibited doping agents to drugs. Thus, if the idea is approved, the doping of the prohibited list Anti-Doping Agency will join the list of potent substances, turnover of which in Russia is a criminal offense.

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