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Creatine phosphate - a supply of explosive energy

19 Oct 2016

Creatine id a substance of skeletal muscle, myocardium, nervous tissue..

In the form of creatine is creatine "depot" high-energy bonds used for the rapid re-synthesis of ATP during cell operation.

Reactions of Creatine synthesis.

Especially revealing the role of Creatine in muscle tissue. Creatine phosphate provides an urgent re-synthesis of ATP in the first seconds of work (5-10 seconds) when no other sources of energy (anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic oxidation of glucose, β-oxidation of fatty acids) are not yet activated, and blood flow to the muscles is not increased. Mildronate deals well with ATP.

The cells of the nervous tissue phosphocreatine supports cell viability in the absence of oxygen.

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