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Course of peptides for weight gain

30 Oct 2017

Weightlifters who want to gain quality muscle mass with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, in addition to proper nutrition and strict adherence to a competent training program, professionals recommend a two-month course of peptides, which helps induction of protein synthesis, increase strength and endurance.

Synthetic peptides are biologically active compounds consisting of units of amino acid chains. Their action is aimed at the release of growth hormone (growth hormone), the stimulation of restorative processes and the correction of the activity of certain systems and organs of the human body.

The course of peptides on the mass is the safest way of extreme muscle building. Synthetic amino acid preparations do not cause side anabolic effects, allow themselves to manipulate their own metabolism, provide long-lasting pharmacological action, have a wider range of mechanisms of action, and cost much less than growth hormone. It should be noted that each of the currently used in the bodybuilding industry is able to work independently, however, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use peptide complexes, since the sports products included in the bunch significantly enhance the effect of each other.

Popular courses of peptides for muscle mass

PEG MGF + GHRP2 + CJC-1295 is an amino acid course that promotes the acceleration of muscle fiber growth and increases in strength. Ideal for athletes engaged in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other power sports. Complex effect on the body, stimulates protein synthesis, has a noticeable anabolic effect, prevents damage to muscle fibers, inhibits unwanted catabolism.

CJC-1295 DAC + Hexarelin + PEG MGF - a course of peptides on a dry basis. It is one of the most effective and optimal in the ratio of components. Promotes the enhancement of anabolic processes, provides a quality set of weight with a minimum amount of fat, improves the relief of skeletal muscles.

GHRP (2,6) + CJC-1295. It favors the qualitative collection of muscle mass by stimulating the development of its own GR, increases strength and endurance, enhances appetite, strengthens bones, ligaments and joints, corrects the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat, accelerates the healing of microtraumas.

GHRP (2,6) + CJC-1295 DAC. Due to the presence of the peptide of prolonged action, which has a higher bioavailability, it effectively stimulates the secretion of its own somatotropin, provides progressive growth of muscle tissue (up to 1 kg in 7 days), significantly reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen. This course of peptides for mass recruitment professionals advise to use those who wish to improve athletic performance with a minimum number of injections.

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