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Course of growth hormone

12 Dec 2016

This course of growth hormone is made for the aid to the beginning athletes for receiving a relief figure. Dosages and combinations are taken from scientific literature, they are systematically used by athletes of different types of sport in practice and are recognized the most effective and rational.

Who suits these courses of growth hormone?

Course of growth hormone can be applied both men, and women 20 years (at more young people asymmetrical development of bones can be observed) for intensifying of relief of musculation are aged more senior. Lump is enlarged slightly; it results from severe losses of fat.

Side effects in the course and after a course are practically not observed, all of them as a rule have reversible character.

Read the main article: Side effects of hormone of body height

The course, to people, a sick diabetes mellitus - has to be carried out in strict administration of level of Saccharum to bloods since GR is an antagonist Insulina, in this regard there is a dissonance in the absence of production of own insulin and habitual "feed" exogenous Insulin from the outside. In other words - it is necessary to modify use of insulin during course GR. Will draw correct the first two-three weeks most likely close attention to analyses of Saccharum in a blood by means of the glucose meter (diabetics perfectly know what is it). As a rule at reception of GR in usual doses to 10 ME in days, correction of use of Insulin can make + 1-3 units of drug (insulin) before (in 20-30 min.) each meal... It for the diabetic won't make special work. Earlier in this article information on a total ban of use of GR for diabetics was offered. But it in a root isn't right, especially considering how many positive factors use of GR for the patients suffering from SD what serious help in fight against illness can render use of GR as the factor influencing rejuvenation and neogenesis of functions of internals and systems of a metabolism of tissues carries in itself. Hormone of body height enlarges quantity of a glucose in a blood therefore, with care it is necessary to apply at arterial hypertension (hormone of body height can raise it). Often decrease of the use of salt (sodium chloride) can be an exit from a similar unpleasant situation. Before use of drug it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Growth hormone medicines certified in the Russian Federation: (as decrease in popularity)

  • Jintropin
  • Rastan
  • Norditropin
  • Dynatrope
  • Humatrop
  • Omnitrop
  • Sayzen
  • Biosom

Other medicines of hormone of growth:

  • Ansomone
  • Hygetropin
  • Kigtropin
  • Getropin
  • Neotropin
  • Somatropin 191a (Somatropin 191aa)
  • Blue Tops
  • Kokhokh of a pharm (KOHOH-PHARMA)
  • ZPtropin

Course No. 1: Growth hormone

Purpose: Achievement of a relief, in the presence of sufficient muscle bulk. Effect of a rejuvenation, rising of elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of a skin.

It is recommended to make before a course tests on onkomarker.

The course begins with 5 PIECES every day (to put enough once a day, larger frequency has no advantages), injections subcutaneously.

On the second or third week, in the absence of side effects it is possible to enlarge a dosage to 10 PIECES a day divided into two nyxes. High doses aren't recommended. Introduction time: best of all on a hungry stomach (approximately in 0,5-1 hour prior to food when the level of a glucose is minimum) in the first half of day. As a rule the first injection is carried out right after a dream. Time after the training is also optimum. You can try Pankramin.

The optimum duration of a rate of hormone of body height - 3-6 months. At shorter course results not always impressive, the larger duration of a course isn't recommended in connection with tolerance emergence (antibodies which bind body height hormone are developed), there can be signs of an acromegalia and some other side effects.

Drug can suppress function of a thyroid gland, it can reduce results therefore it is recommended to include in the course Thyroxine in a dose 25 mkg a day, throughout all cycle. It will enlarge safety and efficiency of a course (the thyroxine has potent fat-burning effect).

It is worth noticing that GR enlarges Saccharum level in a blood. GR can cause a diabetes mellitus. In this regard, depending on dosages and duration of course GR, add insulin for maintenance of level of Saccharum normal, otherwise there is a strong load on a pancreas. But insulin should be accepted with extra care because reception of insulin is more than necessary, can lead to a hypoglycemic coma.

Accept a complex of a sports delivery for a relief, carry out 2-3 power trainings and 2-3 aerobic trainings a week.

Course: Growth hormone + Steroids

Purpose: Achievement of a relief and set of muscle bulk. Effect of rejuvenation, increase in elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of skin.

Take a course No. 1 as a basis

Include in him anabolic steroids. Best of all hormone of growth is combined with such steroids as Testosterone enantat in a dose of 250-500 mg a week or Sustanon 250 in the same dose or Boldenon in a dose of 400 mg a week. Anabolic steroids are entered usually for 8 weeks. Give the best courses of steroids in more detail. These medicines will allow increasing your weight due to the expressed growth of muscles and simultaneous combustion of fat. Some athletes agree in opinion that this course is one of the most powerful due to synergy effect, in too time the combination of steroids and hormone of growth is quite safe for health as these groups of medicines have different mechanisms of action that allows to use them in moderate doses, without causing violations in hormonal exchange. After the end of reception of anabolic steroids carrying out PCT is necessary.

If the relief has for you paramount value, use Anavar (30-50 mg a day, every day) or Vinstrol (30 mg a day, every day), instead of the steroids listed in the previous point. These medicines have smaller ability to stimulate muscle growth, however are suitable for combustion of excess fat and receiving dense relief muscles much better.

Keep to a diet - the Diet for a set of muscle bulk and train according to the special program - Features of training with steroids

The alternative decision is use of hormone of growth right after a course of anabolic steroids (as on weight, that and on drying). It allows keeping as much as possible muscle bulk and in addition to increase relief.

Course: Growth hormone + weight loss

Effect: Combustion of fat, with receipt of a relief figure. Effect of rejuvenation, increase in elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of skin.

Take a rate No. 1 as a basis

Include in Tiroksin in a dose 100 - 200 mkg a day, having divided into 3 acceptances: in the morning, during the lunchtime and in the evening till 18:00. In this quantity tiroksin has the expressed fat-burning effect, high doses aren't recommended as at the same time the risk of side effects is high, and also destruction of muscles begins to prevail. The dose of tiroksin shall titrovatsya: begin acceptance with 50 mkg a day, then increase a dose by 25 mkg every other day until you reach a recommended dose. If there are side effects, lower a dose of tiroksin. Accept tiroksin no more than 1 month, then gradually lower a dose by 25 mkg every other day before complete cancellation.

Clenbuterol and Efedrin can serve as alternative components of a complex. These medicines considerably accelerate process of combustion of fat, however together with it increase risk of side effects.

To make a course the most effective, it is necessary for you:

Keep a diet. Diet caloric content - average (in case of which in a regular condition you don't gain weight and you don't grow thin). Reduce consumption of fast carbohydrates and fats. Accept at least 250 g of a protein a day. Drink more liquid.

Carry out 1-2 power trainings a week on Split to the program, and also 2-4 aerobic trainings lasting not less than 1 hour.

How to dissolve growth hormone

Growth hormone can be only in the form of sublimated powder. The amount of powder shall be specified on an ampoule. The quantity can be specified either in terms of (unit) or in milligrams (mg). If the quantity is specified in milligrams, then it can be transferred to units on a mg formula 1 = ~ 3 units (more precisely 1 mg =2.7ed.). We in our descriptions will use a mg formula 1 = 3 units because this formula is used by most of producers of medicine.


Take a wadded ball, wet it in alcohol and wipe with it ampoule traffic jams with Hormone of growth and an ampoule with liquid with which you will dissolve powder (bactericidal water, sterile water or B12 vitamin).

Take the syringe 3 cubes with a needle with a diameter of 1" or 1,5", put on a needle the syringe and gain necessary amount of liquid for powder dilution. The quantity actually doesn't play an essential role, be just convinced that you precisely remembered what amount of liquid you used. The main thing governed – to use such amount of liquid which will allow doing measurements of ready solution easily. For example: if you take 1 ml (cube) of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 10th mark of a scale in the U100 syringe 1 units of hormone of growth will equal. If you take 2 ml of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 20th marks of a scale in the U100 syringe will equal 1 units of hormone of growth. If you take 3 ml of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 30th marks of a scale in the U100 syringe will equal 1 units of hormone of growth.

Take the syringe in which you gathered liquid for dilution and inject it into sublimated powder under such corner that the needle concerned an ampoule wall, and liquid followed from a needle not on powder, and flew down on an ampoule wall. You don't hurry, inject liquid slowly, gradually.

When all liquid for dilution is added to growth Hormone powder, smoothly twist an ampoule (don't shake an ampoule with a force) until sublimated powder completely isn't dissolved. In an ampoule after cultivation transparent liquid shall turn out. Hormone of growth can be used. After cultivation it is necessary to store growth Hormone in the refrigerator. If you used bactericidal water to dissolve growth hormone, then medicine can be used within three weeks. If you used sterile water, then medicine can be used within 5 days (many producers declare 72 hours).

How to do injections of growth hormone

  • Wash hands with soap;
  • Gather medicine in the insulin syringe
  • Collect by the left hand skin pleated on a stomach
  • Enter a needle at an angle 45º to a fold
  • Inject drug and take out a needle
  • Don't do an injection in one and too the place

The Place of a prick it isn't obligatory to process

When using insulin syringes, recommendations of doctors are that. A puncture not too big in order that the infection could get.

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Course of insulin

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