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Counting on the fingers improves the results of tests in mathematics

11 Jul 2017

According to a new study, the finger count and finger games significantly improve the results of the math tests.

For a long time, when studying mathematics, children were not allowed to count on fingers, saying that they should learn to count "as adults".

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However, scientists from the University of Sheffield Hallam University have proved that the use of fingers when counting and especially finger games significantly improve the skills in mathematics.

Count fingers

The basis of this study is the results obtained earlier at Stanford University (Stanford University). Scientists have discovered the relationship between the sensitivity of the fingers and the ability to math.

In a study of the Sheffield University, 137 children aged 6-7 years were divided into three groups. With the first group played finger games, with the second played various games with numbers, with the third control group did not conduct any additional exercises.

The first group was offered various exercises with fingers. For example, children were asked to count fingers from one to five, then choose one of them, touching it with the same finger on the other hand.

Understanding numbers

In both groups, where lessons were conducted with children, the results of mathematical tests improved, but the results of the group of finger games were higher significantly.

"The research proved that such finger training helps children understand and match the written, oral and symbolic representation of numbers in their heads," said study co-author Tim Jay.

"Alternating finger training and games with numbers can be an effective teaching method for primary school teachers."

The study has contributed to the developing field of neuroscience and education. Scientists have found that the sensitivity of the fingers and the process of calculation are the same parts of the brain.

An earlier study by Stanford University Stanford University professor Jo Boaler showed that even at the bachelor's level it is possible to determine the development of mathematical thinking of a man by his fine motor skills.

Counting on the fingers is very important

Professor Boaler also suggested that by forbidding children at the beginning of learning to count on their fingers, the teachers thereby inhibit the development of their mathematical thinking.

"Children always start counting on their fingers, but sometimes they are not allowed to think so. By forbidding children to use their fingers when counting, we inhibit their mathematical development. This is a very important point." Semax also can give a hand in maths.

"Many people sincerely consider mathematics to be an abstract science that exists only in our minds. And using your fingers for counting means being at a low stage of mathematical development. However, it is ridiculous to forbid children to count on their fingers at the age of 5-6, as is common among teachers. "

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