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Cortisol blockers

30 Nov 2016

Cortisol blockers or antikatabolik is medicines and sports additives which antagonistic interact with cortisol reduce his secretion or suppress activity. These means are applied to protection of muscles against destruction after course ASS, during combustion of fat and work on a relief.

When the person is exposed to a stress (emotional nervousness, starvation, a training and so on), also the level of stressful hormones, main of them - cortisol sharply increases. Thus, in bodybuilding cortisol it becomes very frequent a serious obstacle to good results. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Main effects of cortisol:

  • Destruction of proteins (muscles)
  • Fat accumulation
  • Increase in glucose in blood
  • Appetite strengthening
  • Increase in pressure

Antikataboliki negative effects of cortisol reduce and allow:

  • to suppress catabolic reactions after the training
  • as much as possible to keep muscles after a steroid cycle
  • to lose weight with the maximum preservation of muscles
  • The last researches have shown that blockers of cortisol in itself don't help to lose weight, however their application during weight loss is justified by anticatabolic action, they allow to protect muscles from destruction.

From the available and most proved means:

  • Fast protein - 20-30 g
  • Amino acids (especially BCAA) - 5-10 g
  • Proteinaceous and carbohydrate food
  • Ascorbic acid in a dose of 0,5 - 1 (500 - 1000 mg)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - reduce percent of fatty weight, promote growth of muscles and suppress cortisol.
  • Relora - additive on the basis of extract of bark of the Magnolia and Phellodendron as has shown scientific research, is capable to suppress slightly the level of cortisol and to eliminate a stress at healthy people. Influence on sports indicators hasn't been checked.

Additional blockers of cortisol

  • Synthesis inhibitors (blockers) of corticosteroids - pharmacological means
  • Clenbuterol
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Hormone of growth and peptides
  • Gidroksimetilbutirat (HMB)
  • Evrikoma is dlinnolistny
  • Agmatin
  • Dexamethasone it (is confuted)

Sports additives

  • Lean FX from Anabolic Xtreme
  • CortiShed from Higher Power
  • Cort-Bloc from Muscle-Link
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs (a complex zhiroszhigatel)
  • Cortislim
  • Cortiburn
  • Cortidrene

Antikataboliki's "attention" are especially useful after the training and right after a dream when cortisol level the highest.

Side effects

Blockers of cortisol belong to various groups therefore efficiency and potential danger considerably differ. Accurately observe all instructions data by the producer. Don't apply means of this group at nadpochechnic insufficiency.

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