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Cortexin vials – Really treats

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: helps with serious neurological problems

Disadvantages: Painful injections, expensive

Due to this drug my child go. I had a difficult birth, 3 months could not get rid of the jaundice, cysts in the head ... as a result of the baby had problems in neurology. Flips son started 7 months, there was a constant hypertonicity of the lower extremities. The neurologist has written us Cortexin 10 with lidocaine injections. 4 After the injection my baby started to rise on the handle, after a 5-rolled. A week later, in the villages of 7.5 months, although this was just lying on his back, legs stretched out.

In 11 months, we hardly stood on the feet. A masseuse after the course, based on its long experience, said that he would not go. I rushed to the neurologist that. He prescribed “Cortexin” again.

Son, first gently, holding 2 hands started to get up. A month passed. He is now 1 year and 2 months. he walks, talks, indulge. On the day of issue 2-3 new words. Do not be afraid of treatment injections, sometimes it's the only way. We “Cortexin” very helpful.

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