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Cortexin vials – helped with speech delay

02 Jan 2017

I have two children, both boys. The eldest is already 6, this year goes to the first class. Speaking became very late, in four years still could not construct sentences. He spoke in single words or simple phrases. We diagnosed a mild general underdevelopment of speech. We drank a lot of pills, and once we neurologist prescribed injections Cortexin.

After the first 10 shots it has not improved, but the child was adequate, calmer. He began to sleep longer. He began assiduously, fell in love with painting and sculpting, which previously could not stand!

Ten days later, followed by relaxation, then ten more shots, and so should be alternated to tangible results.

But the great thing - is already about 40-45 prick the child had a shift in the speech. There complex sentences. He began to write letters, to put the letters in the word. I'm your eyes I believed. But throwing jabs afraid. So we pricked Cortexin, alternated with 10 days for six months. Now with his son everything is fine, we are rich, it uses phraseology, metaphors, jokes as an adult. Cortexin is an effective drug.

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