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Cortexin vials - helped with autism

31 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: high price, painful injections

This drug is one of the very few drugs that are helping us. My child is 5 and a half years. Autism has been put in 4 years.

My son is currently 5 and a half. Somewhere in the 2 and a half we started to notice that the child is changing, beginning to lose the skills acquired ceases to speak the words that could cease to eat on their own, though it has learned to wear tights and so on.

As time went on, more - more, the child began to change in behavior, he became wild, began to be afraid of all, it adequately respond to children, especially to their cries. We have the best doctors examined and diagnosed immediately, without a doubt it is Autism.

After we first Cortexin injection change course were already noticeable in the 10 shot.

Six months later, we are again injected "Cortexin". And, suddenly, the child began to speak some words.

After the third year he ceased to be afraid of cars on the street, people. Behavior better, the baby is more flexible, better sleep (previously at least 2 times per night, and wake up crying), obeys. In a speech there is already clear words for the purpose and with meaning.

Usage time: one and a half year

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