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Cortexin injections – Good drug

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: helped

Disadvantages: pity that there are no tablets or syrup, not cheap

Cortexin we injected to son in 4 years. Assigns a neurologist at a delay of speech development and geper-excitability. The son of a very poor said vaguely confusing syllables, but the vocabulary for his age sufficient. Only because of the incoherence no one understands.

The course of treatment for ten days. Prick better in the morning, because it may increase the excitability of it. The product is a tube with powder, it is necessary to plant Novocain or water for injection. We pricked with novocaine, that was not really hurt.

Strangely the son of it was not initiated, other nootropics wake up at night screaming, hysterical. After 7 injection a child began to show more interest in the course, a little more perseverance and a lot of new phrases. Only speech quality has not improved, still vaguely he says. But the neurologist we were immediately warned that some injections do not solve the problem, you first need to energize the brain and develop perseverance, and only then to the speech therapist.

I am very sorry that it is not punctured before, it was a pity, and thought that with age he learns to speak.

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