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Cortexin injections – effective drug, syndrome of motor disorders

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: Effective with the syndrome of motor disorders.

Disadvantages: high price.

We were born a little early. On examination in 3 months neurologist diagnosed the syndrome of motor disorders and issued a 10-day course of injections with gradually increasing doses.

From friends heard only positive reviews, it was a pity to prick the baby, but to watch the situation, trust specialist. We released the drug free prescription child up to 3 years.

The neurologist said to improve after treatment. I do not know whether the two are related fact, the child started strong atopic dermatitis. The neurologist said that Cortexin often cause allergic reactions, because it is synthesized from animal brain, usually pigs and cows. After “Cortexin” our progress has been diagnosed, but children with allergies should be used with extreme caution.

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