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Cortexin injections - effective

31 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: high price

The neurologist has decided that it is necessary as it is to deal with the fact that we are a child of 6 years is not enough clean, though varied. Therefore, it is strongly recommended - Cortexin injections. I read what kind of drug is such, is an extract from bovine brain. Which, as it is seen to help further develop the speech centers.

The drug is not cheap, put in the form of injections. Injections sensitive diluted Novocain, and saline - daughter told me that hurts the same.

Instant results I waited, decided to see how and what will be for a couple of months. I thought my daughter was like that is easier to learn. I began to read the book It does this itself, with desire. Began to be considered better cope with similar job on the basis of this example, it understands better.

Usage time: 10 days

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