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Cortexin injection - very helpful!

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: has a result, a very effective

Disadvantages: high price

"Cortexin" I started to take the recommendation of a neurologist. Deliveries were not as expected emergency cesarean, causing the child found hypertonicity with hypoxia. massages were appointed, electrophoresis, tablets and injections Cortexin. At first I was very worried - because the crumbs were only 2 months, and already injections and so the drug! Cortexin to us ordered a special breed water for injections - it is considered that it would be from him the maximum effect, but quite painful injections.

Fortunately, the child underwent injections good - 2 minutes disorder, and then good night's sleep. So the effect of "Cortexin" was very noticeable - to adjust naps - began to sleep for much longer (up to 2 hours, until it was really only at night), the baby began much smaller regurgitate, to be seen by the child feels better - to become more active! A side-effects were noticed. Very helpful drug!

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