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Cortexin injection - Headaches and dizziness decreased

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: restores activity of the brain, there is a positive trend in the treatment

Disadvantages: relatively high price

Neurologist prescribed me injections "Cortexin" as recognized changes in the vessels of the brain. I injected them very easily, without any consequences. Generally Cortexin has great effect on the whole body, "Cortexin" has nootropic action, return to normal function of the brain, improves memory and the ability of the body to stress.

After receiving I can say with confidence dizzy stopped.

The vials should definitely keep in the fridge, I was told about this at the pharmacy, thanks to them. This medication is prescribed even the small children, so they are more or less harmless.

In general, the effect of the I certainly felt on itself, and this is the most important thing! We must remember this medicine and apply it in the future.

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