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Cortexin injection – effective drug, result

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective result

Disadvantages: high price

Cortexin was assigned to my child when he was four months!

A neurologist diagnosed with: gipertezionno-hydrocephalic syndrome, myotonic syndrome! Cortexin prescribed as explained neurologist, to eliminate the consequences of the cyst in the brain to form new brain cells, as well as for the treatment of myotonic syndrome (muscles were too weak).

10 “Cortexin” injections was prescribed to my son! After the first shots of the child did not have any allergic reactions! Emotional behavior is also not changed!

After the first cycle of injections son became an active turn over, get up on all fours! A lot of chatter.

We thrust it through a couple of cycles “Cortexin” of 10 injections! After each son is constantly actively developed! What rather confirms that the drug acted!

Now the child is actively speaks, uses facial expressions, a large supply of passive words! It shows independence in all.

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