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Cortexin – helped with the mental and speech development delay

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: new syllables, the activity, the child has become a little more socialized

Disadvantages: high price, will have to do injections

Cortexin - a popular nootropic drug of a new generation. The application form - ampoules for injections. The vial contains a dry matter “Cortexin”, which must be diluted with Novocain or ledokain - and then make a shot. Cortexin registered my son has one and a half years when he has not started to say - not one word, even banal "give" or "Mom". Then I was scared of injections purpose such a tiny kid, and I got acquainted in a network with all the information about this drug.

As a result, having read both positive and negative opinions, I realized – “Cortexin” useful and effective, and at the same time safe drug. And the fact that the form used in the injections - it is absorbed best when administered intramuscularly.

The result of applying Cortexin - the child did not become binding syllables in words, but syllables began to use a lot more. There were more meaningful emotional response behavior. I began to notice the world around actively - if they were not noticed pet after “Cortexin” course began to make attempts to pat the cat home. But the minuses - the child became more active - sometimes aimlessly ran, jumped.

The drug is not bad, definitely worth to try - do not be afraid of its injectable form themselves injections are not painful! And the effect of them really seen !!

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